Your Freedom Is In Your Mind And Emotion

Your freedom is in your mind and emotion

What is the Liberty? Should we really look for it at the borders of the physical world in which we live? Is it freer to live in one part of the planet or another? Is it a state of our mind, or of our geographical situation?

Next, I am going to try to shed some light on the term freedom. Without a doubt, something that we coined very easily every time we talk about multiple issues, however, it is much more complex than it may seem at first glance.

Where does freedom lie?

If you ask me, I will always say that freedom lies in my mind, in my emotions, in my heart, in the depths of my soul and my being. My conscience is totally free of ties and chains, which conditions my thinking and way of seeing and understanding the world.

It is true that for many other people, freedom lies in other concepts perhaps more prosaic and less ethereal than mine, such as the feeling of belonging, physical boundaries or the fact of living in one place or another.

There is no doubt that one lives much better in democratic places than under the steely and attentive gaze of a dictatorship that controls the individual with an iron fist. But really, does that set you free?

In other words, is a person who is the victim of a particular political and social system freer? Or perhaps a being that, regardless of the country or place in which he lived in grace or misfortune, feels outside of conventions or ties?

I would say that today we are all capable of creating our own prisons, and for that, it does not matter where you live. That is, even if you were born under the lucky star of the most liberal state in the world, you can create bars so strong with the simple use of your mind and your heart that you can never tear them from your wrists, ankles and chest.

Window with bars

However, those who dream, imagine, believe in themselves, make their own ideas, read, experiment, criticize, try to understand, love, get excited and are capable of creating, whatever the country they come from, they will feel free.

Inner freedom

In reality, true freedom is inside your heart, your thoughts, your emotions, and your dreams. Only you, whatever your identity document says, will be able to feel truly free.

Does a person in a toxic relationship have freedom? Does it give you freedom to die of love and not be able to react? Do you have freedom when you have a horrendous job that you can’t stand? Is the fool freer than the wise?

In reality, freedom begins with yourself. If you are able to feel, to get excited, to fall in love, to dream, to seek other perspectives on life, to rationalize positive and constructive criticism, to look for all the sides of the same coin, or to scream within yourself, you are making a great exercise of freedom.

And rest assured that in the solitude of your mind, you are truly free. It doesn’t matter what your environment tells you, what a certain political faction makes you believe, or how much the media and dictators want to control you, because inside you, you have all the freedom in the world to be yourself, intimate , passionate, unique …

Woman with arms up and hair down at sunset

Our ability to dream, to imagine, to believe, to see, to interpret, to be ourselves … for all that we are, is something that no one can ever take away from us if we truly believe in it.

Therefore, I advise you not to seek freedom in physical spaces, nationalities or territories. Look for it within yourself, your emotions, feelings, loves and attachments, because only there you can find it in its pure state, without blemish and with all its meaning.

Only by crying with a poem, getting excited about a movie, laughing with a book, dreaming about your goals, achieving your goals, being yourself … only then are you able to find true freedom, and all this is only in one place in the world. world and it’s inside of you.

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