When Anger Is Constant (susceptible Personalities)

You have to be patient and know how to live with susceptible people. An inner battle is raging within them, and we cannot let it affect us. We can, on the one hand, help them and on the other, avoid falling into their circle of negativity and hostility.
When anger is constant (susceptible personalities)

It is common to meet these types of personalities, with whom it is difficult for us to coexist and even communicate. Any word is analyzed in detail to find something against it, they interpret the words in an equivocal way and see attacks where there is only cordiality. Perhaps we are facing susceptible personalities.

For what is this? We are all susceptible in some personal aspect, we cannot deny it. There are dimensions more sensitive than others that “can make us jump” at some point. However, there are people who seem to live in continuous susceptibility. It is undoubtedly something complicated that makes our relationship with them difficult.

Perhaps for this reason, it is worth delving a little deeper into these profiles to understand them and delve into their behavior.

When offense is the order of the day

Angry girl as an example of touchy personalities

But if I have not wanted to tell you that at any time … do not take it the wrong way, you have misinterpreted my words!” . Surely on more than one occasion you have seen yourself saying these same words, trying to convince the person in front of you that you did not want to offend them.

Many psychologists tell us that anger is an act of choice. I choose whether to get angry or not. Each of us has a higher or more limited sensitivity threshold when it comes to being affected by the actions of others.

It depends on our personality, on our character. Hence the famous expression “two do not get angry if one does not want to.” That is to say, there are calmer people who at a certain moment tell themselves that it is not worth it, that it is better to leave it and not fall into useless anger.

The anger strategy in susceptible personalities

However, sensitive personalities always prefer to fall into anger. The doctor of psychology Martin Lyden, explains an interesting aspect: according to him, people with sensitive personalities are those who have less empathy. Surely you already sensed this.


If we don’t serve them at a party, they see it as contempt. If we make a family meal or for friends, they will call our attention for not having made their favorite dish. Even if they send us a message and we don’t reply right away, they will see it as inattention. As a clear demonstration that we are leaving them aside.

Another aspect to keep in mind is that they are usually skillful generators of guilt. If they scold us that we put it aside, they will make us feel guilty. A trait behind which, in addition to a lack of empathy, there is a clear attempt to victimize himself almost every moment.

How to react to touchy personalities

Angry closed hands symbolizing susceptible people

We know that it costs, that it is difficult and that sometimes, we would like to put them aside. But first of all, you must be clear about one aspect: not all people are the same as us. And not everyone can express themselves or behave as we would like. We must respect them. But yes, marking distance and protecting ourselves.

A simple and practical way is to use your sense of humor. He thinks that with people with susceptible personalities it is very easy to fall into anger, into serious anger when seeing how they react and how they throw things in our face that are not true.

What can we do? Keep the bed and make them see the incongruity into which they have fallen themselves, but from a humorous point of view. Smart humor is an excellent healing prospect.

Take iron out of the matter

“Why do you insist on seeing the negative side of things? Are you a lover of conspiracy theories? Come on, let yourself be loved a little more and enjoy life, which is two days ”. Expressions like these are practical and take away tension in the moment. Try to protect yourself and establish a prudent distance so that their words do not affect you, but remember, it is worth making them see how incongruous they become.

Dalai Lama, susceptible personalities

There is a very curious anecdote that is worth remembering and that has the Dalai Lama as its protagonist. In an interview he was asked why he was not even upset with the Chinese communist government, which forced him into exile and having to live very difficult situations. Well, the serene Dalai Lama’s response was as follows:

It is worth taking the example of the profound wisdom these words of the Dalai Lama display.

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