What Is Great Disobedience

Genius disobedience is that of those nonconformists who achieve revolution by revolutionizing themselves

As people, we are part of society and as social beings, we adapt to rules and regulations, fashions, unwritten rules and customs. A certain degree of adaptation is necessary for society to function as a whole. But, what would have happened if some geniuses in history had not rebelled against such a state of things? The world would probably not be the same. Today we will discover what is great disobedience.

Inner rebellion, intelligent disobedience, are part of human nature. We all have a little rebel inside that we externalize in different situations. With this  article we want to tell you how to exploit this attribute for your benefit.

What are we talking about when we talk about inner rebellion?

Due to the lifestyle we lead, accelerated and without much time to reflect, many of us have become accustomed and adapted to a lot of social regulations. This allows us to function vis-a-vis the gallery, but it also has its consequences.

The truth is that we have sacrificed our independent thinking and have become stuck in conformity. In the accelerated race towards a success imposed by society, we stay in our comfort zone, a zone that does not demand anything from us, that does not pose problems for us and where, therefore, we do not need to exercise our own thinking.

Inner rebellion is that flame that we have within, that which allows us to question what is established. The one that we often silence in order to stay in this comfort zone. Those who have dared to exploit it, who have let it surface, have achieved great things.

What if Martin Luther King Jr. or Gandhi hadn’t sublimated that genius disobedience into something for humanity? Even the famous Steve Jobs used his rebellion as a trigger for his creativity. These people were encouraged to think “outside the box.”

The rebellion is not necessarily associated with social changes or artistic changes. We too can make use of it. It is not about an unproductive rebellion, questioning everything, but about being able to look at reality with an iota of creativity, independence and own thought. Being a rebel is sometimes a sign of intelligence.

Cool disobedience vs. unproductive disobedience

Genius disobedience is not about disobeying for disobedience. Disobedience or destructive rebellion appears when we make decisions with negative effects for ourselves or those around us. When we don’t choose which battles to fight and we fight them all, just for the sake of opposing ourselves, and when we don’t evaluate all the factors at play. Negative rebellion is more in relation to negativism or oppositionism.

Intelligent rebellion, on the other hand, leads to taking thoughtful risks, to being encouraged to leave the comfort zone to try new things. To question the status quo when we know that something is being done out of inertia and not because it makes sense, to dare to fight for justice, equity, good and truth, so mistreated today.

The Advantages of Accepting the “Inner Rebel”

In conclusion, genius disobedience is a type of rebellion that faces states of inertia that lead to personal and social stagnation. Things that do not make sense are questioned and traps are imposed on human reason, intelligence and will.

Therefore, this form of rebellion is what allows us to innovate and advance in the conquest of personal, social and political achievements. These people are able to distance themselves sufficiently from problems, see them in perspective and make a joint decision, which materialize in valuable and decisive actions.

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