This Short Explains How Love Works

This short explains how love works

Love comes without warning. First in a euphoric way, creating ideals and expectations. Later, after his return to reality, he decides whether to stay with you or, on the contrary, to leave.

This is love, capricious in its beginnings, confused during its growth but protective, warm and safe when it is built from trust, communication, respect, authenticity and affection. In fact, if its pillars are not these, love can wander between dependency, abuse or contempt, as we can see in the short that you can see at the end of this article.

The dangerous infatuation

One fine day you suddenly find yourself in love. Without knowing how or why, your thoughts have begun to revolve around a person that you have gradually seen as special, unique and different.

It’s not just his smile, his gestures or the way he looks at you. Neither how it expresses itself or what skills and values ​​it has, it is all at once. The funny thing is that, just as for us it has that special charm, for the rest of the people that someone we admire is within “normality”.

Couple holding hands walking

But beware! falling in love also has its negative side: self-deception. When we fall in love it is as if we throw a long cloak that covers the imperfections of the person who attracts us, making them totally invisible to our eyes. In this way, the image we see of the other is an ideal that we will dismantle over time.

Thus, when this magical cloak begins to disappear, we face a real challenge: discovering the reality of the other person. Moment in which we can decide whether to continue sharing our journey with her or on the contrary, not to.

The relationship is construction of two

A relationship is maintained by the efforts of its participants, just as the success of a pair of dancers is reflected in their training sessions, destined for their performance to shine on stage. Therefore, if we let our relationship drift, it will probably end up losing itself in an ocean of reluctance, uncertainty and inertia. 

But it is also not worth it that only one of the members of the couple takes charge, since love requires two to bear fruit. If only one part does its job, as in dance, harmony will not appear and will inevitably be noticed in the coordination of its participants. Something like this happens with our characters, carelessness and carelessness on his part, generate disappointed feelings, reproaches and disappointment.

Woman wakes up in bed with her husband sleeping

Love or depend

Under the force of falling in love we can fall into dependency.  How? Our character in the short shows us: giving his heart and the other person accepting it. By depending we stop being ourselves, leaving the leading role to a new person: that imaginary that the other wants us to be.

In this way, when it is decided to end the relationship, one is left at the mercy of the suffering and pain generated by the breakup. A void appears that can lead us toward self-depreciation maintained by the belief that we are unworthy of love.

This void, if we do not accept it, can build stone walls that will make future encounters impossible. That is why it is so important to carry out the grieving process after the loss of a partner: to recover and renew ourselves with the learnings of that relationship.

Seated man suffering for love with walls around him

There may also be someone who patiently destroys our wall stone by stone and teaches us that full love is based on respecting the intimacy of the other and sharing, as happens at the end of the short to our character. The support of another person helps to overcome a break, it can even clarify your darkness: it depends on you if you want to move forward and get out of it.

The consolidation of love

If we have finally decided to walk with the other person, it is important that we keep alive the idea that love is not a passive feeling, but that it feeds on our actions. Love is like a garden that must be watered day after day.

Authentic love is not nourished by making the other in our image and likeness, but by sincere acceptance and knowledge of the other person. Love is the brilliance that is born from two hearts that have voluntarily decided to love and understand each other.

Where each one has the key to open the other’s locks and where, for that very reason, complicity grows; enlarging in such a way that an emotional atmosphere is created that serves as an insulator by the only language that is spoken: that of feelings and hearts.

Each human relationship is a world in itself that is born from the encounter of other worlds. The direction each one takes will depend on its leaders and the kind of hope they harbor in it. In this sense, “The Gift” is a short that serves as a metaphor to understand some fundamental aspects of how love works. We leave you with him:


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