The Silent Deterioration That Leads Us To Pretend That We Are Fine

The silent deterioration that leads us to pretend we're okay

No. Not everything in life has a solution. Nor can we try to explain everything or be with a huge smile day after day. However, we prefer a thousand times to pretend that we are fine than to admit that we are prey to silent deterioration.

But pretending happiness to be accepted is a big mistake that many of us make on a regular basis. However, there are stages in which simply simulating well-being makes no sense.

So for better or for worse we have the audacity not to smile when we don’t feel like it and we try not to sin by “trying to make everyone like us” in order to leave the exhaustion and emotional wear and tear generated by ensuring that no one worries.

That’s why Because yes, pretending is painful and sadness and discomfort are not synonymous with weakness.

sad woman

The emotional exhaustion that pretending implies: the forces that do not return

The data indicates that but, unfortunately, we realize this late. This translates into a silent deterioration that plunges us into a great emotional exhaustion through which we enter a spiral that absorbs us and squeezes what we understand as soul.

That is to say that the emotions and feelings that in principle are in us to do us good, end up paling because of our inability to give them free rein and experience them as we should.

So, as a consequence of this, we end up centrifuged, dizzy with life and eaten by our constant attempts to silence the voice of discomfort. Therefore, the key is to accept ourselves in all our aspects and not to endeavor to deceive our conscience.

This perspective will help us ally in the fight against ailments such as depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, hopelessness, insomnia, excessive irritability, etc.

Real and transparent hand linked

The key to resilience is acceptance

The most important learning in our life is what we achieve when we strive to know, accept and love ourselves. In this case, the order of the factors does alter the result, since we cannot love ourselves without first accepting ourselves, nor accept ourselves without first knowing ourselves.

To achieve this step of emotional growth we have to unlearn precisely what we are dealing with in these lines, because only in this way will we be able to get rid of beliefs and manipulations that subject us year after year, day after day and minute by minute.

In other words, to look at life without anesthesia and without pressure, it is necessary to change the hill, because only this will help us to manage other perspectives. So every day, when we wake up, we have to pay close attention when choosing which glasses to wear.

Sad child behind the window

In order not to distort it, it is best to put on those transparent colored glasses that sharpen our vision from far and near. This does not mean anything other than putting aside prejudices and beliefs that make us distort and speak in a bad tone.

Because the importance of internal dialogue is something that we forget too often. For all this, it is essential to remain silent within ourselves and realize that the only way to achieve well-being is to respect ourselves and stop pretending, with and without discomfort.

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