The Quiet Happiness Of The Introvert

The quiet happiness of the introvert

The brain of introverts works differently. His conception of happiness has another rhythm, other spaces where a chosen solitude lives, an evocative calm where to think and reflect. The happy introvert is one who celebrates his or her own self knowing that there is nothing wrong with being different.

We live in a society that appears to be dominated by outgoing personality. It is as if all public spaces were the territory of those profiles used to interacting with each other, to expressing all their feelings aloud, and where emotions explode overhead like glasses of champagne toasting each other.

Introverts, for their part, seem to get diluted in the middle of these contexts. Now this idea is not entirely true. In a world where a good part of its inhabitants do not seem to know what it is to keep silence and measure the words spoken aloud, introversion is gaining ground by leaps and bounds. Books such as “The Power of Introverts” by Susan Cain or the “Introvert Leader” by 

All of this also leads us to a fact that we must bear in mind. Each of us oscillates daily on that axis that goes from extraversion to introversion. In moments we act with that vital and emphatic openness of the extrovert and later, look for an instant of intimacy as the introvert would do.

We suggest you delve into this always interesting, always revealing topic.

Four types of introverts and their personal energy

Carl Gustav Jung described the introvert as someone whose life energy flows inward. Hence, he is happy enjoying his moments in solitude, navigating his islands of imagination and disconnecting from that outside world, often chaotic and demanding, which always ends up exhausting him.


Now, despite the fact that in the first decades on the study of personality they established that dichotomy between introverts and extroverts as Jung himself did, over time, that polarity has been nuanced. So much so, that today, and  thanks to works like those of Paul Costa and Robert McCrae, we are clear that there are several types of introverts.

The four types of introversion

  • The reserved introvert: he is the most reflective profile, the most cautious and prudent. He is the classic observer who prefers to analyze everything that surrounds him very well before joining a project or a group of people.
  • The thinking introvert shapes that type of personality, where his level of abstraction reaches a very deep point. He is the classic dreamer, the one who even being surrounded by many people remains isolated in his own world and is often unable to follow the thread of a conversation. Your mind almost always ends up “running away.”
  • The social introvert largely defines introverts in general. They are people who prefer to interact with small groups, preferably one or two people. At the same time, they take great care of the times and moments in which they interact, always reserving needed spaces of solitude.
  • The anxious introvert shapes that profile marked by a great lack of confidence in their abilities. He does not feel apt to interact in social settings, and that discomfort causes him anxiety and low self-esteem.
introvert boy

Relaxed happiness and self-knowledge

Every personality profile, as we have seen, is multidimensional. Hence, one of our main day-to-day responsibilities is to give way to that inner knowledge that allows us to transform fears into securities, limitations into opportunities.

At the same time, we must also take into account that introverts see and process their reality differently because their brain is slightly different. They have more gray matter in the front of their brain, hence, they dedicate more energy to abstract thinking, to meditating on things alone, while extroverts focus more on immediacy and the “here and now.”

Next, we show you how to achieve it.

hands flowers

Learn to empower your introverted personality to achieve your own happiness

The adventure of self-knowledge never ends, it is a job that occupies us 24 hours a day and that it is not good to neglect. So, if you are an introvert, reflect on the following suggestions that can help you improve your quality of life.

  • Learn to choose well the moments in which you relate and the type of people with whom you are going to be.
  • You are aware that you work better in solitude, that only then do you give your best.  Therefore, try to orient your professional life to an occupation that allows you to have this independence, that opportunity to maximize your abilities.
  • Be aware that when it comes to relating to you, people will take longer to discover your greatness, your virtues, your inner light. You are like a treasure that requires time and dedication, so do not worry if sometimes there are those who go first. Whoever deserves you will stay to find out that enigma in you, and then that connection will be long-lasting, strong, and comforting.

Finally, something interesting that we cannot forget is that introverts process their reality through their senses. Sight, hearing or touch are sensitive portals that stimulate, relax and inspire them … Try to have at least two hours a day to feel the world in solitude through these channels, these bridges that go from the outside world inside you.



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