The Pyramid Of Emotional Nutrition

What is emotional education? What are the basic pillars for a healthy development of our children? In this sense, it is essential to start with a healthy emotional nutrition, take care of your emotions just as we take care of your diet.
The pyramid of emotional nutrition

What is the pyramid of emotional nutrition? Although the food pyramid is known, the emotional part is relegated to a second, third or fourth plane. Already in 2016, the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC), in its technical report Food guides for the Spanish population, began to point to emotions as a pillar for a healthy lifestyle.

It is true that we all know the balanced diet, we know that eating foods high in sugar and fat is harmful to health. We are also aware that leading a completely sedentary life leads to long-term health problems. However, emotions and their impact on people’s lives are largely unknown.

The pyramid of emotional nutrition is based on some basic educational elements, in reference to the emotional components, which influence the maturational development of the youngest. In the same way that food plays an essential role, emotions are a fundamental part of basic needs, as stated by the SENC.

Boy playing with soap bubbles

What are emotions?

What is the concept of emotion? Lawler defines emotions as evaluative states, be they positive or negative, that have physiological, neurological and cognitive elements.

For Brody, emotions are motivational systems with physiological, behavioral, experiential and cognitive components, which have a positive or negative valence and vary in intensity. For the author, emotions are usually caused by interpersonal situations or events that affect our well-being.

The American psychologist Paul Ekman, a key figure in the study of emotions, points out that there are six basic emotions: fear, sadness, joy, anger, disgust and surprise.

Emotional education

As for education, parents are aware of what their child needs to a large extent, which varies according to the family’s educational style and the needs depending on the age of each child.

Food, clothing and footwear, a warm and safe home, an adequate primary and secondary education, moments of entertainment through educational games are some of the main needs.

There are certain basic elements to consider in education based on emotions that we can include in a pyramid based on importance.

The pyramid of emotional nutrition

The basis: affection and secure attachment

John Bowlby, in his attachment theory, studies the different types of attachment and their meaning. It highlights the importance of secure attachment in the education of children, since it is the best guarantee of a healthy childhood.

Secure attachment is a type of bond that is established between the child and the figures of reference that surround him, in which a feeling of security and protection of the child in front of his needs predominates. In short, the little one feels safe and cared for around his attachment figure, he perceives it as a stable and lasting bond where he can show himself as he is. He feels that he is loved, that he deserves love, he perceives the affection of his attachment figures.

The type of attachment that we experience throughout our childhood will largely condition the development of our self-esteem, confidence and personal autonomy. Also, on a social level, securely attached children have healthier relationships. The higher the quality of the affective relationship with the attachment figures, the more likely the person will have a full and balanced life.

Frustration tolerance

Teaching your children to tolerate frustration is perhaps one of the most important goals, but also the most difficult. In their egocentric thinking, children believe that the world revolves around them, so that they can come to think that they deserve everything they want when they want it.

It is difficult for them to understand that there are desires that they will not see satisfied. It must be understood that when it comes to managing emotions, children do not have the necessary tools to eliminate, reduce or tolerate their discomfort after feeling frustrated. Physiologically, your prefrontal cortex, associated with impulse control, has not yet finished developing.

Therefore, the establishment of norms, limits and an education based on the expression of emotions is essential. What do you feel when something like this happens to you? How do you behave when it happens to you? In this way, communication is promoted, providing them with essential tools for self-control and emotional management.

Set limits

It is key for parents to establish clear and concrete limits on what is allowed and what is not, and the consequences of crossing the limits. Saying “no” is also educating, it is helping you manage negative valence emotions by fostering tolerance in your children.

Rights and obligations

It is essential that children know how far the rights they have go, as well as the obligations they have to fulfill. That they know how to impart their obligations and responsibilities, and make use of their rights.

Little girl looking out the window

Empowering ideas and assertive communication

Empowering ideas on the part of fathers and / or mothers play a very important role in the affective development of children. With this concept, we refer to the fact of sending children reinforcing and positive messages that give them back control in those margins in which they can act to achieve what they want (autonomy). “You are going to achieve it”, “you can”, “trust yourself”, “I value your effort”, are some examples.

Assertive communication refers to the expression of opinions and emotions that the context does not favor, avoiding negative behaviors such as disqualifications, reproaches, confrontations and offensive tones. In other words, it consists of expressing ideas clearly, without conflict.

Cusp: the game

Play is an essential element for fun, but also for expression. in the framework of play, children find a controlled environment to experience some of the social and physical phenomena that are also reproduced on other planes. It is so important that gambling has been a children’s right recognized by the UN since 1959.

In short, as part of the pyramid of emotional nutrition, we can use the game to invite the recognition and expression of emotions. In this way, for example, we can create fictitious situations and try to analyze with the child what each of the characters may be feeling in them.

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