The Parable Of The Tree, A Story About A Father’s Love

The parable of the tree is a story that tells us about a child in love with an apple tree as a playground… and it also tells us about parents and their immense capacity to help us beyond their reach.
The parable of the tree, a story about a father's love

The parable of the tree is a beautiful metaphor that deals with what the vast majority of parents are capable of doing for their children. It tells of a beloved and awakened child in a far away place. There was an apple tree near his house that he adored.

The little boy couldn’t wait to be near the tree. He played with its branches, ran around it and gladly ate its fruits. The tree was very pleased with that child who treated him with so much affection and always wanted to be near him.

Time passed and the child grew. The parable of the tree says that the boy entered school and now invited his new friends to play around the apple tree. It felt full. He loved the laughter and the children running around him. The tree was very happy in those years.

Boy eating an apple

An unexpected absence

The years continued to pass and the boy grew a lot. The parable of the tree tells that less and less were seen. The boy seemed very busy with his new friends and interests. The apple tree felt sad, but understood that this was natural.

One day the boy came back. He was already quite a young man. The tree was very happy to see him. It had been so long since they had been together! However, he noticed that the boy looked sad. Then he asked him what was wrong with him. Wasn’t he enjoying his wonderful youth?

The boy told him that he really felt very sad. There were so many things I wanted to have! But he didn’t have enough money and had to settle for little. I wanted a bicycle. Also new clothes. And cash to invite his friends… However, everything was going with desire.

The parable of the tree tells that the apple tree spoke to him gently. ” Look! “, Told him. I am full of apples! Why don’t you take them all and sell them on the market? So you will have money for what you need. The boy thought it was a good idea and he did. Then he did not appear again for a long time.

A new return

The parable of the tree says that several years passed and the boy did not return. The apple tree missed him, but he also understood that the boy could not spend his life running around an old tree. So she was happy thinking that her boy was too.

One ordinary afternoon he saw the boy coming towards him. He was immensely happy. It had grown a lot. Again he came with a contrite face and bowed head. Again the tree asked him what was wrong with him. The young man said he wanted to get married, but he didn’t have the money to build a house. So he would have to postpone his plans.

The tree, again lovingly, said: Don’t worry. Take my branches. With them you can build a beautiful home if you put your mind to it. The young man’s face lit up. He did so. He took the branches and built a wonderful house. Then he married and for a long time he did not see the apple tree again.

Tree with apples

The parable of the tree

Many years later, the boy returned. Actually, he was already quite a man. He told the tree that he had two children and that he wanted to make a boat to walk with them. The apple tree did not hesitate for a second: Take my trunk! “, Told him. ” With it you will be able to build a beautiful boat .” The man listened to him.

Again it disappeared again, this time for many years. The tree feared the worst. However, when he least expected it, he saw an old man approaching. It was her boy. The same one he had seen grow up, become a man and now an old man. Again he looked sad. The tree thought it had nothing more to offer him. It had no branches, no trunk … It was just a root stuck to the ground …

The old man came over and hugged him. Then he cried. ” I’m alone, ” he told the apple tree through tears. ” You are not, ” said the tree. ” Here I am, ” he added. I only have old roots, but they are still big and strong. Here you can stay to rest ”, he pointed out. So did the old man and there he slept forever. The parable of the tree represents the love of parents, who never tire of giving.

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