The Legend Of The Red Thread

The legend of the red thread

An oriental legend tells that people destined to meet are connected by an invisible red thread.  This thread never disappears and remains constantly tied to your fingers, despite time and distance.

It does not matter how long it takes to meet that person, it does not matter how long you spend without seeing them, it does not even matter if you live on the other side of the world: the thread will stretch to infinity but it will never break.  Its owner is destiny. Let’s delve into this magical legend. 

A red thread that connects us

This invisible thread has been with you since your birth and will accompany you, tightened to a greater or lesser extent, more or less tangled, throughout your entire life. So, the Grandfather of the Moon, every night he goes out to meet the newborns and to tie a red string to his finger. A thread that will decide their future and their encounters, a thread that will guide these souls so that they never get lost… The legend goes like this:

“A long time ago, an emperor learned that a very powerful witch lived in one of the provinces of his kingdom, who had the ability to see the red thread of destiny and had her brought before his presence.

Heart made of red yarn

When the witch arrived, the emperor ordered her to find the other end of the thread that was tied to her little finger and bring it to what would be his wife. The witch agreed to this request and began to go on and on. This search led them to a market, where a poor peasant woman with a baby in her arms offered her products. When he reached this peasant woman, he stopped in front of her and invited her to stand up. He made the young emperor come closer and said: “Your thread ends here”, but hearing this the emperor enraged, believing it to be a mockery of the witch. He pushed the peasant woman who was still carrying her little baby in her arms and made her fall, causing the baby to make a large wound on her forehead. Then, he ordered his guards to arrest the witch and cut off her head.

Many years later, the time came when this emperor had to marry and his court recommended that it was best to marry the daughter of a very powerful general. He accepted and the day of the wedding arrived. And the moment he saw for the first time the face of his wife, who entered the temple with a beautiful dress and a veil that covered her completely … When he lifted it, he saw that that beautiful face had a very peculiar scar on his forehead.

A red thread straight to the heart

This legend is so ingrained in Eastern cultures that millions of people have a true red thread attached to them. Although there is no clarity on whether the origin is Chinese or Japanese. It is said that the legend began when we learned that the ulnar artery connects the little finger (other sources speak of the ring finger, which has more tradition in our culture) with the heart, source of life and eternally conceived as the home of love …

Couple surrounded by hearts and united by the legend of the red thread

A red thread to which we will not be able to impose our whims or our ignorance, a red thread that we cannot break or fray. A red thread straight to the heart, which connects eternal loves, deep ones, those that symbolize the before and for those that there is no after. The love of a mother, a father, a brother, a child, a friend, a man or a woman … A red thread that symbolizes love and common interest … The magic of the heart.

Everyone who interprets it however they want but what is clear is that, sometimes, coincidences are so strong that they leave no room for doubt … Twin souls are called, hearts intertwined with one or more eternities to live …

Image courtesy of Melica’s

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