The 9 Signs To Recognize A Narcissist

Charming, seductive and confidence inspiring. This is how narcissistic people appear at first, however little by little their intentions are revealed: to make others feel inferior. Learn to identify them.
The 9 signs to recognize a narcissist

Narcissistic Personality Disorder, also known as megalomania, is a pathological condition characterized by heightened self-esteem, omnipotence over other people, and a lack of empathy. A narcissist thinks he is better than others in all respects.

In our day to day we can run into narcissistic people that should be identified to avoid them. Getting into a relationship with a narcissist at first can be a rewarding experience. However, later his true intentions to make others feel inferior and to take advantage of those around him are revealed.

According to the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , narcissism can be identified by nine signs. Which can help you recognize a pathological narcissist and avoid an abusive relationship.

1- Grandiosity

Grandiosity is feeling superior compared to others. From the point of view of a narcissist all his achievements and abilities are superior. In this way he makes those around him inferior. Narcissists often speak and act as if they are the most important people on planet earth.

2- Concern for success and power

These narcissistic people have a great concern about how to achieve success in their lives. This implies that your greatest fantasies involve achieving unlimited power and success, brilliance of thought, and exuberant beauty.

Narcissistic boy looking in the mirror

3- The belief of being unique

Narcissists consider that they are unique, irreplaceable and unmatched beings. This leads to them only building relationships with other people who show that they are special. This is because narcissists believe that not many can understand them or have things in common with them.

4- Sense of right to special treatment

Narcissists like to be treated in a special way. They demand to have privileges, since they consider that they deserve to be treated in the best way. All this because they are special and as such must be treated correctly. For this same reason, a narcissist cannot be opposed or criticized.

5- It demands excessive admiration

Narcissists are pretentious and therefore demand to be admired at all times and places. Therefore, narcissists expect to be cared for and admired by other people. They constantly look for others to treat them in a special way, without worrying if they deserve it or not.

6- Feel envy of others

Narcissists tend to be overly envious of people who are better than them in certain respects. This can be open or covert envy. He also always considers that others envy him for his personal abilities and achievements.

7- Lack of empathy

One of the most noticeable characteristics of the narcissist is that he is not capable of empathy with another person. It generally causes the narcissist to be unable to identify with the feelings and needs of others. This generates that they are people incapable of loving, they have no remorse and no kind of guilt or remorse for their negative actions.

8- Exploiting others for personal gain

Narcissists often take advantage of other people to achieve their personal goals. To do this, they manipulate other people to use their resources, ideas, time and contacts to achieve their own goals. It is for this reason that every narcissist is a controller, who manipulates any situation or person in their favor, no matter what the consequences are.

9- be arrogant and domineering

Every narcissist is arrogant and domineering with the people around him. For a narcissist, everything he says or does is fine, so it must be taken into account and accepted without hesitation. Attitude that causes narcissists to impose their ideas on others.

Man looking up to represent a narcissist

The social relationships of narcissistic people

Narcissistic people often think that the problem lies with others, the unpleasant emotions they feel are the consequence of something that others are not doing well, or of something that others do not provide them, and to what they have a right. It is others who make mistakes, have problems, or are ineffective.

Likewise, they make great efforts to manifest their worth, to validate their opinion or their feelings. This leads them to move on the limits between truth and lies: they exaggerate their achievements, they make up data and stories, etc.

Although in general narcissistic people can be charming and even dazzling at the beginning of relationships, they are not able to maintain this image, which requires a huge effort of exhibition and self-control.

On the other hand, narcissists tend to have conflicts in the work and emotional sphere. Regarding the first aspect, the psychologist Sara Prieto affirms that the narcissistic person may have difficulties to obey the guidelines or indications of their superiors, and show inappropriate behaviors with them and their colleagues.

Regarding their family, social or partner relationships, Prieto explains that they tend to prioritize their needs above those of the rest. This attitude of little flexibility with respect to the needs or opinions of others, the intolerance of criticism and the superiority with which they are seen, can be a source of many conflicts with difficult solutions.

Importance of recognizing a narcissist

With these nine signs to recognize a narcissist you can avoid or at least deal with any kind of relationship with a narcissist.

It is extremely important to know how to recognize a pathological narcissist so as not to fall into his traps when entering a relationship with him or her. By avoiding these kinds of relationships, you are avoiding being manipulated and even emotionally violated.  Because these people are happy to abuse others in order to feel powerful.

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