The 7 Sticks Of My Cabin

The 7 sticks of my cabin

Certain people, far from isolating themselves and becoming “asocial” beings, have made the most of the lessons that these situations have brought them.

Some of the situations we find ourselves with, pose a vital challenge that ends in disappointment. Thus, people who are committed to happiness often manage to overcome these challenges and improve their future life situations.

Let’s go to see some of the most complex situations we suffer, we learn and we become stronger.


“Conflicting family relationships”


The truth is that many people reproduce as adults what they have seen in their home, which was characterized by being a negative and toxic environment. Others, however, are firmly aware that if one day they form a family, they will not want that environment to reproduce itself in their homes.

If you are one of the people who has not lived a good environment, learn the lesson for your future home.

“Loving disappointments”


Only a few can say that they first found a love that has lasted a lifetime and has turned out as they expected. Other people have been through various romances and disappointments.

If they enter into mistrust due to previous disappointments, they will deny themselves the possibility of finding a partner that fits them.

Therefore, avoid this and do not choose victimization after disappointment. Turning your back on love, apart from giving up its risks, also means a voluntary renunciation of the positive things that it can bring us.


“Friendship disappointments”


Who has not had a friend who more than a friend was someone toxic who stole moments of calm from us. Realizing that hurts, it is undoubtedly a “stick” for us.

This happens because most people conceive that friendship is sharing, and not suffering. And so it is.

Therefore, learn from your disappointments but do not give up the warmth and intimacy of friendship with someone. Social relationships are basic to our stability.

“Academic disappointments”


Academic disappointments refer to our self-efficacy, therefore it is related to our self-esteem. For example, maybe you thought you would succeed and you have not achieved that result and that makes you feel like a failure.

To remedy it and that your self-esteem is not diminished, it is time to examine yourself. Have you demanded enough of yourself? Couldn’t you concentrate? Too many activities at once? Surely if you analyze you will draw conclusions, and from them greater skills to organize yourself and know how to improve that result.



“Health problems”


Unfortunately, health is not valued until it is lost, when we look weak, we wonder how being healthy we have complained so much about everything. But health problems make us see what is really important. They make us live life with more awareness and gratitude.

Learn from the disease, no matter how hard it is or has been. Your lessons are valuable.

“Economic ruin”


These are not good times for the economy, but for some people it has been particularly tough. Some have not gone bankrupt but have seen their savings disappear.

This is hard because it conditions other aspects of life. Perhaps you have been through this situation recently, but over time you will value the material to the extent it deserves and you will be more forward-thinking.


“Existential crises”


The “not knowing who I am” or “where I am going” are thoughts and feelings that the human being experiences with assiduity. Do not worry, surely from torment you now know how to appreciate calm. And that all those questions that you have tried to solve have made you more cultured, more adventurous and have truly filled you.

With every disappointment, look ahead. Fill yourself with strength, not anger. You will be on the way to building your emotional cabin, a strong and well-founded refuge.

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