The 10 Most Stressful Jobs In The World

The most stressful jobs in the world are precisely those that demand the most protection and self-care. Stress is a factor that directly affects physical and mental health. For this reason, the activities that generate it the most must have a special monitoring.
The 10 most stressful jobs in the world

In general, the world’s most stressful jobs are those that expose people to objective danger, especially if this threat is life-threatening. We speak of risks that in themselves already impose a significant burden of distress.

Note, however, that this is a generalization. Sometimes the most stressful jobs do not depend on the activity itself, but on the conditions  in which it is performed. An administrator, without exposing himself to danger, can have a high stress load due to the pressure to which he is subjected by his superiors.

All work activity requires a component of self-care and protection on the part of employers or those in charge of directing the work. Health comes first, then productivity.

Here are the most stressful jobs in the world by their very nature.

Woman stressed by work overload

1. Military

The military is preparing for war or is at war. An armed confrontation is one of the most distressing situations that can exist.

In the midst of a conflict, life takes on another value, in addition to speaking of an environment that, on a psychological level, can impose renewed and constant grief.

The data tell us that among the military in combat there is a high rate of psychological disorders ; disorders that in many cases remain beyond the end of the conflict or exposure to the environment, such as post-traumatic stress.

2. Firefighter

Firefighters are also frequently exposed to serious threats. On the other hand, much of their work is carried out in circumstances where there is little control and a lot at stake.

Each fire or each disaster has its own characteristics, so there is a significant level of uncertainty. Likewise, for emergencies  there is no date or time, so these people must always be alert.

3. Commercial pilot

Although airplanes currently have a high degree of safety, that everything goes well depends largely on a pilot  attentive to all the variables.

Additionally, it is a job that requires constant schedule changes and long absences from home. It’s largely routine work and that’s why it’s no wonder it’s one of the most stressful jobs.

4. Police, another of the most stressful jobs in the world

Police officers deal with situations on a daily basis where there are weapons and instruments that can inflict significant damage. Like the military, they are frequently exposed to situations, unforeseen and uncontrolled, in which their lives are at risk.

They tolerate a high level of uncertainty due to the fact that public enemies are not predictable in their way of thinking or acting. Hence its high level of stress.

5. Event organizer

Event organizers do not risk their lives, or expose themselves to tragedies, but they do have to attend to many details at once. Above all, they must ensure that actions that by their nature are diverse and independent merge into a harmonious whole.

On the other, it is also common that they are part of a negotiation, not always clean, and they have to act so that all parties are satisfied.

Finally, the fact that they hold events exposes them to public judgment. Hence they have one of the most stressful jobs.

6. Reporter

Reporter stress depends on three factors. The first, the schedule: it varies depending on the circumstances, the news. You need to be on the facts or cover them when they happen.

The second, that sometimes they must be exposed to dangerous situations and also work very quickly, since the objective is to inform instantly.

And the third is that daily they have to address various issues, in different settings, being able to handle an overwhelming amount of information.

7. Doctor in emergency department

In an emergency department, as the name implies, everything is urgent. Doctors who are there often have to make complex decisions in record time.

They have the health and lives of other people in their hands and that responsibility implies a significant psychological burden. Likewise, they are witnesses to pain and suffering, and many times they do not have the tools to alleviate it effectively.

8. Public relations

The public relations, and also the salesperson, must deal with all kinds of people. Educated and also not educated, going through times when they have to allow the other to cross certain limits to protect the sale or safeguard the image.

Thus, the profession demands a good dose of tolerance and a lot of self-control. Both capabilities are frequently tested. Likewise, they usually maintain contact with a significant number of people, so they are subjected to a good dose of pressure.

9. Taxi driver

Staying most of the day in a closed environment, facing the public and having to attend to the number of changing situations that occur in the traffic of a city is already a complicated issue.

If you add to that anguished passengers, who want to get there faster than is possible or have an inconsiderate treatment, things get much tougher. Taxi drivers endure high levels of stress.


10. Teacher

Working with children and adolescents can be strenuous, especially when the groups are very large or there are not all means available to get their attention, or satisfy their curiosity. Likewise, the teacher is responsible for the well-being of the children and this leads them to be very careful with their behavior and reactions. Although teaching produces great satisfaction, it can also generate feelings of helplessness or worthlessness.

The most stressful jobs demand a greater effort in terms of occupational health and safety. Those who perform them should know that they are more exposed to becoming ill or developing fatigue and decompensation problems. In these tasks it is also important to exercise extreme self-care.

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