Six Strategies That People Use Without Stress

Six strategies that people use without stress

Everyone has to face various stressful situations throughout the week. It is a one-off “stress” that can occur in the family (family party, visit of relatives, discussions …), work (marathon work days, too many pending things and little time to do them …), academic (exams, jobs …) or social (events, hubbub …).

It has surely happened to you that, many times while you are trying to manage the stress resulting from a chaotic work day, there is always someone nearby who copes with it with absolute peace of mind. Surely you have wondered how some people do to face everything and stay calm. They are not superhumans, they simply practice certain habits that allow them to keep their stress levels in check.

To begin with, people with bed-keeping skills often have made a list (even if it is mental) on how to manage their stress. And then, they look for healthy strategies to be able to solve those complicated situations. Here are 6 strategies that relaxed people integrate into their daily lives:

1. Deep, slow breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing has been shown to have numerous health benefits. Among them, reduce anxiety and stress levels. This type of slow, deep and heterogeneous breathing helps to relieve internal tensions, if practiced consciously and continuously. The advantage is that you can do it in public, since it is not obvious to the eyes of others.

2. They sleep adequately

People without stress are usually rested. And this happens by sleeping the hours that are necessary to be able to carry out their daily activities in a normal way. We each have particular sleep needs, so knowing them will help you know when you have had enough sleep and when you have not. Thus, you will be able to know when you are in a position to face a more or less hard day, depending on how irascible, tired, fatigued or sleepy you are.

Not getting the recommended hours of sleep can severely affect your stress management and physical health, as research published by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine shows. Even taking short naps lowers cortisol levels and boosts productivity and creativity.

3. They are realistic optimists

Being optimistic makes you and the people around you feel good. Maintaining a proactive, constructive, and hopeful attitude is healthier than a defeatist, negative, or grief-stricken attitude. In this sense, the so-called optimism, realistic optimism is a skill that is trained and that makes life better for oneself and for others. 

4. They socialize in a healthy way

When calm people start to feel anxious, they turn to someone who can help them feel better. Spending time with your friends or loved ones can reduce your stress and lessen the effects of your negative experiences. What’s more, a Lancaster University study showed that befriending co-workers or colleagues helps you feel calmer at work.

5. They are not afraid to be alone with themselves

Stress-free people know how necessary it is to stay out of reach of others for short periods of time to hug themselves. With the constant calls, texts, and incoming emails, disconnecting for a while from electronic devices and reconnecting with the real world is vital to reduce stress. In addition, this can be a pleasant experience that allows us to realize what we lose by staying behind a monitor.

6. They take advantage of their vacations and rest periods

There is nothing more pleasant and relaxing than taking a break from the daily hustle and bustle and resting in a peaceful corner. Taking advantage of your days off is something that extremely de-stressed people have as a priority.

Travel, for example, by providing us with a space for relaxation, helps us improve our health, generating a reduction in blood pressure, strengthening the immune system and ultimately helping us to live longer, in addition to combating work exhaustion. But if it is not possible to travel, it is at least important to take a few moments totally free of obligations. Giving yourself time to recharge your energies is not a luxury, today it is almost necessary and a fundamental component to be able to lead a stress-free life. 

Like any change in habits, it takes patience and perseverance to achieve it. Therefore, do not hesitate to seek the help of a specialist if you consider it, to help you create and use your own strategies. So you can enjoy a much more stress-free life!

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