Schizophrenia And The Incredible Story Of Eleanor Longden

Schizophrenia and the incredible story of Eleanor Longden

In 1996 an institutional program called Schizophrenia opens doors was launched to help all of us have a new vision of this disease. A disease that for a long time has been so stigmatized and discriminated against to a greater or lesser extent by all of us.

An interesting program that includes informative, informative, educational and social awareness activities. In Spain, the program was carried out by the professor and president of the World Psychiatric Association (WAP) Juan José López Ibor Aliño.

The main ideas of Dr. López Ibor on schizophrenia

The main idea that Dr. Ibor gives is that this schizophrenia that has been stigmatized for so many years should be better known and better understood by everyone. To begin with, we must say that it is a disease that some 400,000 people suffer from in Spain.

It usually appears during adolescence. In men it usually manifests between 15 and 25 years and in women later, although there is also the possibility of suffering it outside these ages. 1% of people are at risk of suffering from it throughout their lives.

What are the main characteristics of schizophrenia for López Ibor?

To understand the disease, it is necessary to know some of its distinctive features. Among them, it could be highlighted that its origin is complex. It does not occur only for a single cause. Some of those possible triggers would be the following:

  • Heredity plays an important role, but it is not the only risk factor. In the case of twins, if one develops the disease, the other has a 50% chance of suffering it.
  • Very small damage to the brain during the first years of life are also risk factors.
  • Stressful situations that cause isolation.
  • Changes of environment associated with a situation of isolation.

What are the main errors that the population has about schizophrenia according to Dr. López Ibo r?

Man with schizophrenia

The first big mistake would be to believe that it is not cured. Approximately 50% of people with schizophrenia recover acceptably with proper treatment, which usually lasts about 10 years. In many cases these treatments are carried out without the need for hospitalization or, in some cases, only for a short period of time.

Regarding the behavior of the institutions, there have also been great errors in many countries. A well-known example has to do with the death penalty.

There have been prisoners who have committed crimes caused by their delusions who have been judged responsible for their actions. In other words, they have been assassinated for acting in their defense within their perception of the world, when with our own laws, and if that reality had really existed, they would never have been executed.

Regarding the idea we have about people who suffer from schizophrenia and violence, the truth is that these people are less violent than the general population.

There is a small group of people with schizophrenia who act violently as a result of the hallucinations they suffer, however, treated with the appropriate medication, the violent symptoms disappear.

What should we take into account in addition to medication for the cure or improvement of schizophrenia?

The non-stigmatization of the person, the knowledge of the real limitations, the use of resources, the control over the processes that manage thought, the good management of symptoms such as hallucinations or delusions are just some of the measures that can significantly increase the quality of life of the person.

Our final reflection is that together we can make a better society by helping, understanding and sensitizing ourselves. It is a problem that affects many people, more than we can sometimes think.

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