People Addicted To Negativity: 6 Characteristics

People addicted to negativity: 6 characteristics

We all know someone who tends to see things from a negative prism. We do not know why, but every time we are with that person we notice how our mood worsens  and our desire to flee increases by the minute. This is because we have probably come across one of those people addicted to negativity.

Most of the time they tend not to realize the disservice they do to the people around them. Their pessimism is contagious and causes others to tend to turn away from them in the long run. They are not usually bad people, but their way of seeing things is very painful.

Nobody likes to be reminded of the bad things in the world. We are aware that the perfect life does not exist, but we still want to get closer to it, to what we consider perfect. People addicted to negativity are unable to see the sun through storm clouds or to notice the only cloud in a sky dominated by a blazing sun.

If they don’t do your part to change their perspective, there is little we can do for them. So, if what we want is to help them, the first thing we have to achieve is a motivation for them to decide to take the step, to make that decision. Let’s think that looking through that filter of negativity to reality, the main victims and victims are themselves.

Woman looking at the sea

6 characteristics of people addicted to negativity

They worry about nonsense

People addicted to negativity drown in a glass of water. That a plate breaks is for them a world drama, which in a couple of hours they will change for a different one. Instead of enjoying the day to day, they become bitter thinking about the future, which makes them even more negative.

They do not know how to give each thing its proper importance and their tendency to exaggerate everything can cause them to be accused in the end of being unreliable. We all remember the fable of Peter and the Wolf and the disastrous consequences it entailed.

They ignore the positive

It does not matter if they had a fantastic day at work, if they received a gift or if they received good news. They only focus on those parts of their life that they don’t like, completely ignoring the good times they experience.

By ignoring the positive, they are not aware of their existence and when they reflect they usually come to the conclusion, logically with their perception, that they are very unfortunate or that their value is very little. They do not care about their own happiness, just remain trapped in that loop of misfortunes manipulated by their own mind.

Man exhausted by mental overweight

They are unable to accept a compliment

If someone throws them a compliment or compliment, they react very badly. Their self-esteem is often affected by so much negativity and any flattering comment will be considered an offense.

They think that others are laughing at them, when in reality they just want to be nice. They are unable to accept that, no matter how hard it is to believe, they also have virtues.

They only talk about their problems: there is hardly room in their head for those of others

They love to express how bad life is for them, but they are not interested in how others feel. They do not know how to listen and are selfish: theirs is always worse. The few times they let someone participate in their monologue it is because they have something to object to on some topic.

This lack of empathy often leads to confrontations with others, especially when a limit is exceeded. Of course, they have the need to continually vent, which is quite burdensome.

They take very little risk

They care too much what other people think of them. Any derogatory comment affects them in an alarming way. They base their opinion of themselves on the opinions of others that lack objectivity, which leads them to be very insecure and dependent.

They are so afraid of suffering because of what others may say or do that they do not hesitate to make their own “mental films” (something we all do, but they with more “special effects”) in which they are always threatened or harmed. In this way and with the idea of ​​protecting themselves, they tend to take few risks (they imagine that they already take many or that they have “too many open fronts”).

They can become very paranoid

People addicted to negativity are very paranoid. An out of place laugh or a furtive glance makes them believe that we are speaking ill of them. This makes them quite critical of the people around them, which increases the desire of others to get away from them.

Girl thinking about people addicted to negativity

Their behavior can be difficult to bear and, at times, excruciating. You have to be patient and try to understand why they behave like this. Most of the time their behaviors are the consequence of a series of bad experiences that have not been well managed. It is never too late to learn again that in life not everything is black and white: we live surrounded by gray. There will be good days and bad days, but not everything has to be horrible.

There are thousands of reasons to give thanks, ignoring them only turns them into ungrateful beings and therefore, with a lower quality of life.

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