No Knot Can Be Tangled Forever

No knot can be tangled forever

The mental and physical dejection that a problem or an accumulation of them produces can also introduce us into a nebula that makes us think that that moment will never pass and that we will never get out of there. However,  there is no evil that lasts a hundred years : the knot finally comes undone.

The truth is that everything ends up passing and, except for problems that are beyond our reach, the vast majority of issues that concern us and cause us anxiety and discomfort end up finding their solution: remember that if problems multiply, solutions also They can do it.

A lump that clings to the throat

We feel tightness in our chest in such a way that it seems that someone is constantly pushing us and our stomach is shrinking. Along with this, the muscles of the esophagus contract, the throat becomes blocked and our mouth becomes dry. What happens is that the problems lead us to episodes of anxiety characterized by paralyzing symptoms.

Anxious woman sitting

In situations of high emotional stress, the body reacts by putting itself in a state of alert : a feeling of agonizing discomfort that needs to be resolved. We are inside the nebula we talked about above and we don’t see the way out.

The truth is that not all of us take the difficulties that lie ahead the same, but we all have stones in the way and worries that we would like to avoid. There are people who manage to overcome obstacles effectively and others to whom the knot of problems seems bigger than them: if you are of the latter type, I invite you to continue reading.

Undoing the knot has a process

Each knot has a different immensity and what from the outside may seem easy, from the inside can be an abyss : we do not all wear the same shoes nor do we all feel the same when we start walking. In any case, having a problem will always involve a process that helps us overcome it.

Facing the knot that prevents us from moving forward requires four important phases: defining exactly what is happening to us, being clear that we will need courage to find a solution, assessing what options we have, and striving to apply the decision so that we can learn from it.

Knot on a rope

Any alteration requires calm and serenity and if we do not find them it is essential that we try to look for them : only then will we see clearly what options we have and which is the one that can benefit us the most to get out of where we are. The bulk of the process is, therefore, the phase of analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each possible solution.

When we have undone the knot

Any knot can be undone and it will do so the moment we get the body to relax : defeating the problem involves understanding who and how it affects, as we have seen, and then managing to apply the solution and learn from what we have experienced.

Every bad moment has its learning and all pain is necessary to find an emotional balance : although problems make us think that being emotionally bad does not lead to anything, on the contrary it will help us to be aware that we are stronger than we think.

Woman with kerchief outdoors

In addition, the most important thing about this question is not only learning, but looking at the knot from afar and realizing that we have been able to undo it: when problems pass and we have found solutions for them, we see them easier, different, far away.

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