Learning To Navigate The Ridiculous Makes Us Happier

Learning to navigate the ridiculous makes us happier

Making a fool of yourself is one of the great fears of those who take their own ego very seriously. Of course, not making mistakes or showing weaknesses, especially in certain critical moments, can help us. But if that doesn’t happen, even in those moments we’re talking about, it’s not the end of the world either.

The feeling of ridicule is experienced as more than just shame. Generally, an error, mistake, or failure is associated with disapproval. However, in the case of the ridiculous what is “heard in the background” ?? it is laughter and it is precisely this mockery that increases the effect of shame. Thus, we are facing a scenario that can also generate confusion or tension.

Deep down, what makes something ridiculous is its disproportion or inappropriateness. Hence,  formal  situations are a fertile field for it to occur. These usually impose more or less rigid protocols, so getting out of the canon is relatively easy. Despite this, ridicule is so democratic that it can be done anywhere. No one escapes him and all of us have ever tasted its flavor.

The clown and the ridiculous

The clown is precisely that character who makes his comedy material ridiculous. Clowns represent anything that can be considered Rida-ass. His clothing is exaggerated, bizarre. Their huge shoes, their red noses and the makeup on their faces give them an appearance of absurdity. They use garments that simulate an elegant cut, like that of a suit, full of colors and very striking elements.

clown woman with megaphone from which balloons come out making a fool of herself

A good part of the clown routine consists of tripping and falling. What causes hilarity among the public is that they are always victims of their own distraction. They are on the lookout for something else and suddenly something gets in their way, then falls to the ground. And they fall in a spectacular way, never in a discreet way.

A good clown show is full of misunderstandings. They eat a piece of cardboard thinking it was a cake. Or they give a kiss to something horrible, believing they are joining their lips with a beautiful woman. Or they go on the wrong mission because they interpreted the instructions differently. The world of clowns is the world of ridicule, but also that of innocent laughter.

Laugh at yourself

In reality, you only make a fool of yourself, strictly speaking, when someone who makes a mistake or makes a mistake takes it too seriously. If someone, for example, does not know how to dance, but pretends to do, it can look very ridiculous and cause laughter. On the other hand, if you accept that you cannot dance and have fun with your own limitations, it is nice.

What is the difference between one situation and the other? This comes down to just one word: self-esteem. Someone with a strengthened self-esteem is always able to laugh at himself, because he accepts himself. This includes tolerating your own mistakes or mistakes. On the other hand, when what there is is insecurity and lack of confidence in who we are, falling into a fool can be a strong emotional wound.

The real mistake is believing that you are only worthy of appreciation when you get it right or right. When you don’t make mistakes. When you don’t do or say something inappropriate. In that case there is no true appreciation for oneself, but rather a simulated self-worth.

Woman goofing around

Surf the ridiculous

We all have clumsy or poorly adapted facets or behaviors. It’s natural. It is enough with a distraction or with a small misunderstanding for us to fall into that error or mistake in social terms. To this, there is only one antidote: to be genuine and therefore humble.

We cannot claim to do the right thing in all circumstances. What I know can do is work to feel proud of what we are, to outline a portrait in which a person Appreciate-ntegra. That is, with defects, virtues, mistakes and successes. This will allow us to eliminate that desire to hide, to disguise or to allow us to show only the facets that we anticipate that others will like the most.

We can become familiar with the Rida-ass. Adopting absurd gestures or postures in front of the mirror or going out into the street without dressing up too much. Putting on something original that draws attention or generates surprise. If we do so, we will realize that we will continue to be the same and we will even be in a position to accompany the laughter of those to whom we cause grace.

The most important thing is that when we allow ourselves to be ridiculous from time to time, without being affected by it, we also discover that in this way we can live more relaxed and happier. Nothing feeds the feeling of wholeness more than being spontaneous. Nothing makes us more secure than freeing ourselves from what we anticipate others thinking.

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