Is It Possible To Heal Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

Is it possible to cure obsessive compulsive disorder?

A person with OCD is the victim of a problem that is worth talking about and working on. An obsessive compulsive disorder does not mean that the person loves to be ordered to the maximum, but that they are sick.

There has been a lot of research in relation to this disorder (and studies have not stopped, fortunately), so it is known that the typical “vicious circle” that surrounds a patient can be broken at any time in his life. It is possible, then, to eliminate OCD by engaging in the process of change posed by the professional (psychologist or psychiatrist).

Steps to beat obsessive compulsive disorder

The first step is to decide to overcome the problem. Put in words it may seem simple, but not so much in actions because the person must accept their condition. That is the most complicated. “I’m not obsessive about cleaning”, “it’s not that I love control”, “I’ve never realized that I don’t step on the sidewalk lines”, these are just some more frequent examples of not accepting reality, but there are endless more.

Once the person is fully aware that they have obsessive compulsive disorder (which can manifest itself in one or more actions), they must agree to face it and, obviously, overcome it. In this way, you will be able to assume a positive attitude and will be committed to accepting the changes.

The next step: You must show that you are convinced that you can overcome the problem. That is, the tasks that the therapist indicates must be put into practice, facing anxiety in a different way. It is common that after the consultation there are still people reluctant to change their behavior or routine, always motivated by fear.

Tips for Coping with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Woman with obsessive compulsive disorder sorting pens




There are effective techniques in a treatment for patients with obsessive-compulsive traits. Some of them are the following:

1. Awareness

It is essential to admit that the concerns are irrational and have no real substantiated basis. One of the objectives of customs or rituals is to calm anxiety, however, many consider that if they do not carry them out, something extremely tragic will happen in their lives or in those around them.

If they don’t wash their hands every so often (one of the most common OCDs), they will get sick. Therefore, the bases of that habitual action, the compulsions to always think or act in the same way and the irrational thoughts must be eliminated.

The concerns have no real basis, they are usually an exaggeration of the facts. What happens if that ritual is not performed? Life goes on smoothly, although it is true that anxiety can increase. However, after a few minutes it will begin to dissipate.

2. Comprehension

You have to understand that rituals are not the only way to calm anxiety. They reassure only for the moment they are being performed, but after a few minutes or hours, that horrible feeling reappears. In the long run, in turn, they only exacerbate the problem.

It is a kind of momentary “escape valve”, but by no means the definitive solution, not even a partial one. There are other effective strategies to reduce anxiety levels, such as breathing slowly, practicing meditation or yoga, listening to relaxing music, taking a bath, etc.

All those who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder are convinced that if they do not perform this or that ritual, the discomfort, anxiety or nerves that they experience will remain. However, testing that belief is the best way to disprove it. How? With the techniques mentioned above or others that are more effective for each one.

Woman tidying up a closet with obsessive compulsive disorder

3. Acceptance

You have to accept  obsessions. It is common for OCD patients to be ashamed of their condition and therefore not accept it. It is difficult to hear them say that it is an absurd obsession, an unfounded routine, etc. They will surely avoid the topic, they will find any kind of excuse to be right, they will escape from reality.

None of it helps in the box. It has been shown that the more you try to hide something, the more it comes out. The same is the case with the need to deny a problem, because more is reinforced. The mind is trained to repeat the same parameters over and over because it feels comfortable in that position. When something unbalances that routine, she does not know “where to run”, she is like “cornered”.

Those who suffer from an obsession or compulsion go through this process over and over again. It is difficult for them to leave their comfort zone, however, they must understand that if they maintain that position they can suffer much more serious consequences. For example, distancing family members or partner, ceasing to be effective at work, not finding love, etc.

Also add that OCD implies an irrational fear of a thought of catastrophe, of tragedy, of bad news. You cannot always avoid danger, but you can always be alert, nothing more.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Different authors affirm that CBT is the best strategy to address this disorder. From this approach, it is also possible to address depression in this type of patient if necessary. CBT focuses on modifying the patient’s cognitive schemes, thus controlling their obsessions and behavior (Peralta, 2014).

On the other hand, the drawback with this type of disorder is that treatment begins when the problem is advanced. Lack of information and false beliefs regarding mental illnesses lead to a delay in the intervention of these patients. However, this does not mean that we should fall into pessimism, on the contrary, once the disorder is detected, we must get down to work and we will see how little by little our day to day will improve significantly.

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