Introverted People, As Beautiful As A Sunset

Introverted people, as beautiful as a sunset

Perhaps one of the reasons we truly appreciate a sunset is the same one that makes introverts so genuine, the beauty of appreciating calm. Introverts are labeled as being unsocial and it is not that they dislike parties or hubbub, but rather that they pose barriers to communicating with others.

A night alone, spent with nothing more than a good dinner and a television series, is not considered a wasted time among introverts. On the contrary, it is seen as a necessity, a leisure time to enjoy and go out into the world again. This happens to a third of the population.

According to Sophia Dembling, a psychologist and author of  Introverts like to jump deep in reference to conversations about the meaning of life, the nature of love, or any other matter that they feel interested in talking passionately about. .

Many times we confuse shyness with introversion, but they are two totally different concepts. Shyness is the fear of social disapproval, while introversion is a preference for environments that are not the most stimulating . Shyness is inherently painful; introversion is not.

Girl reading a book next to a window

They feel lonely in a crowd 

Despite how contradictory it may seem, it is common for an introvert to feel lonely in the midst of many people and prefer to devote their social energy to close friends, colleagues and families. How often do we talk just to fill the quiet space? How many times do we lose our breath talking nonsense?

Introverts can have strong social skills and enjoy parties and business meetings. But after a while, they prefer to be at home. They listen more than they speak, they think before they speak, and they often feel that they express themselves better in writing than in conversation. They tend to reject conflict. Some may dread small talk, but enjoy deep discussions.

They get bored easily in environments where there are many people or many stimuli. This is explained because introverts  pay more attention to detail  and are overwhelmed by too much stimulation.

Lonely man thinking about his adversities

Is the brain of introverts different?

A study conducted by Harvard University, detected various patterns in the brains of people classified as introverts that shed light on why they are like this. Introverts have a greater amount of gray matter, which is also thicker, in certain areas of the prefrontal cortex, related to abstract thinking and decision-making.

Another feature of the brain of introverts is that, in addition to having a more developed prefrontal cortex, they also have more activity in the frontal lobes and the anterior thalamus. This would make these personalities better able to remember events, make plans, and solve problems.

These types of people pay more attention to what is happening within them and not before them. Likewise, they have greater brain activity in the areas dedicated to learning, motor control and vigilance, which, precisely, makes them more cautious.

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