If You Want To Live, Put One Foot In Front Of The Other

If you want to live, put one foot in front of the other

Living is not just about existing and meeting our basic needs. Living implies enjoying, crying, loving, having a vital purpose … It has been shown that human beings need activity, but above all, that they need an objective that is important enough for themselves to make it worthwhile to be part of this mysterious universe.

Not being clear about your goal can make you lose interest in almost everything, until you reach a point where life seems to you that it does not have any meaning. That’s when the real problem arises. Life really has the meaning that we want to give it, but for this we need to get going and act in favor of our goals.

Being lost, without knowing why we want to live is a path with only one companion: sadness. A sadness that is capable of robbing us of the necessary strength to undertake new actions, new paths.

Find our sense of life

Each of us has a vital meaning. For some it is the enjoyment of a job well done, for others it is children or family and for others it may be helping others.

woman dancing gif

Whatever it is, the important thing is that we have it very clear and once we know it we start to act for it. It is useless to know that something moves me inside and about which I have a great interest, if I do not carry out the actions I need to achieve things that have to do with my goal.

To find your life purpose, ask yourself if what you are doing brings you closer to where you would like to be in a few years. That is, if what you have in your hands today you want to continue to maintain in five years. You can also take a look at the past, specifically your childhood and remember what you were passionate about then.

We also need a bit of realism. If that dream that we had in the past is no longer feasible for it to come true, it will be positive for us to grieve and finally adapt to the situation, in addition to looking for  other alternatives that also allow us to live meaningfully.

The key is that we enjoy what we do and at the same time that it allows us to improve ourselves, discover new experiences and make us gain confidence and self-esteem. Therefore, even if the desire is not on our side, we must put one foot in front of the other, many times ignoring how we feel at that moment.

Girl smiling with a sunflower on her face

Keep walking to live

As we have commented, the essential key to getting out of this world, with the feeling of having lived life as it deserves, is to have a why and a why.

They lack that sense that we have been talking about throughout the article, either because they have not found it yet or because although they are clear about it, their own sadness prevents them from getting up and acting. Negative thoughts and irrational beliefs also play an important role in this regard. It is very difficult for us to get up and take the first step if we see everything in black.

Thoughts determine our emotions and, in turn, our way of behaving. Therefore, it is necessary that we question them and according to what case, that we replace them with more rational ones, relying on the latter.

Woman looking at a road

This is why it is so important sometimes to ignore the disturbing emotion, accept it, or let it be, while we go our way. After repeated practice, with a lot of willpower, finally the thoughts will begin to change and, what seemed so dark, will begin to take on color in our eyes.

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