I Won’t Let You Feel Alone

We are all a stronger voice. All united we go further, higher. We are all responsible for what happens around us. What can we do?
I won't let you feel lonely

This letter is for you. So you know that I will not allow you to feel lonely again, that I will not allow anyone to step over you, that I will not let you feel trampled, belittled or even estranged from yourself. I will not let you feel alone because simply by being you you already deserve the same as others. You deserve all that you are worth. 

Maybe nothing started as you thought, maybe things went wrong when you thought something changed, maybe you struggled for something that was already broken and finished, maybe you did not see what others from outside saw more easily or maybe you even yelled for help and no one heard it . No matter how everything started, no matter what happened, now is now and it’s your turn, what do you want? Where are you going? What is your goal for today?

Not one more day will I allow you to stop looking at your face, not a moment more will you take your eyes off you because you are the most important thing, and although sometimes you forget, here I am. I’m with how little or how much I can do, but I will, I will not let you feel alone. Because, even if I don’t even know you, I know that my voice reaches far, I know that my words can heal.

Do you know why I know? Because I am everyone’s voice. Because we can all do it, because each one can do their bit and help, in their own way, in their own way, with whatever they can.

Friend comforting another

Now we are all, so that you never feel alone again

This letter is also written to me, in case I have been able to feel alone like you, or even for the future, when we can feel abandoned. I write it because I refuse to let us continue to be afraid.

I will not let them hold you back, strike your pride, tear your self-love, damage your illusions, chase and scare your safe path. I will not let it happen to you and I will not allow anyone around me to live it like that.

I will not let you feel alone, I will not let you live in fear, I will be there to help you find your inner voice, to give you encouragement when it is missing and, even if I can only do it with words, I will encourage you to continue, to get up and continue.

With my help I will be able to do something, because you must know that you are not alone, that we can all help, that by joining hands we are stronger, bigger and more powerful. We can face it, we can say that we are here and that we are not going to move, we can face and look up.

Hand with yellow flower

Do you know the bystander effect?

Kitty Genovese was murdered in 1964 on her website. For an hour and a half his murderer was committing the act and some of his neighbors could, unfortunately, witness it. Some sources report that 38 of their neighbors were present from their homes, but did not notify the police or took too long to do so. Why is this happening?

This psychological phenomenon is called the bystander effect and shows that the help we give is inversely proportional to the number of people who witness the act. That is, the more people share the situation, the more likely it is that it will take longer to ask for help.

This effect has been repeated in many other studies and they continue to obtain the same results, help is delayed as more people are present, which is also known as diffusion of responsibility.

That is why it is good to know that we are all important, that our help counts, that we cannot afford to wait for others to act, that we are responsible for what happens and that we can act. Even if it is only with small gestures, all help is always important. 

I cannot change the past but I can say that I am here and now, that you can count on me. I will not let you feel lonely anymore, I will not let you give up and abandon yourself, I will not let us have one less on the news, I will not let this happen. Let us join our voices so that none of us feel abandoned again. 

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