Here And Now, There Is Nothing Else

Here and now, there is nothing else

You, who wake up every morning with disheveled hair, trying to postpone what will be the beginning of a new day, preferring to maintain the idyllic romance with your pillow.

Or you, who in mind the alarm clock rings, you run in a hurry because the minutes of breakfast are combined with those of washing your face and taking the house keys, to go ready to start a new day.

Yes, you, that as soon as you begin to connect with reality, after a period of sleep, you direct your mind towards what you have to do throughout the morning or afternoon, and if you hurry me, throughout the week. Future. You are in the future.

Or you can also start to think that your appointment yesterday did not go as well as you expected, that the result of your work left much to be desired or that I wish you had studied more. Last. You are now in the past tense.

Future and past. Past and future. Just two temporary moments, which you join with a transparent thread, moving from one to the other constantly.

-What I did yesterday … what I will do tomorrow … – you say to yourself as a mantra

And while, you hardly appreciate the taste of what you are having for breakfast, the touch of your pajamas on your skin or the rays of the sun that peek through your window.

Thought and thoughts that follow and chain one after the other, because that is what you have become fond of, to live automatically towards the future and the past.

You live forwards and backwards, consuming the seconds of the present. Wasting the now.

What if you stop? Have you checked it? You could try it for just a couple of seconds.

I invite you and I suggest you do it. Breathe Sit down. Connect with you.

It begins with paying attention to what you are doing, to your present. Life is moments and you have to start squeezing them to the fullest. Go ahead, with intention and responsibility, propose it.

The best place to start is where you are, for example now, reading these lines. Immerse yourself in the experience. Thus, you make sure to give yourself a few moments to yourself.

Enjoy what you are doing or at least make it conscious. Knowing what you do, immersing yourself in the experience.

How do you do it? I have already told you. Paying attention to what you are doing. Being aware.

When you eat, you are eating, just that. Savor the food, the texture of the food… Just like when you are taking a shower, have you ever focused on the sensation of water on your skin? Or when you enjoy some time with your friends, dedicate yourself to them, to your conversations …

And yes, also in the unpleasant moments. Not everything is going to be imbued in the joys. Dig deep and find your purpose, your needs and your feelings.

Discover the power of acceptance. Forget resentments and expectations.

Many times we move away from now, because it hurts us or it is not how we had imagined it. Or because we feel guilty about being able to enjoy it … it could be for so many things …

What you did is done and the future, even if you have to work and strive for what you want, will come. As they say, do not use the past as a sofa but as a springboard, and erase the “what if …” from your life, because hypotheses are not reality. Just try to have a few minutes with you, with him now.

Surrender to the experience.

And remember, here and now, in this moment. There is nothing else.

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