Encourage Children’s Creativity

Creativity is an innovative way of thinking and seeing the world that can help children improve their self-esteem and find solutions to difficulties.
Encourage children's creativity

Creativity is one of the most valuable human capacities, it allows us to express ourselves, dream and transform reality. It is essential to find innovative solutions and to evolve individually and collectively. Encouraging creativity in children is allowing them to be free and display their skills without fear. It is helping them discover their potential, develop it and be proud of it.

Many times we have a limited conception of creativity as something inevitably linked to the arts, music, theater or writing. However, creativity is a way of thinking and seeing the world, which can be expressed in many other areas of life, such as science, business or cooking.

Creativity is not a categorical concept (you have it or you don’t have it). On the contrary, it is a skill that can be developed and brings great benefits on a psychological level. Creative people are more flexible, adaptable and capable of looking at reality with a broader perspective. That is why it is important to promote this quality in the little ones.

How to encourage creativity in children

Give room for creativity

First of all, it is essential to know the character and personality of the little one. As we mentioned before, creativity can be expressed in very different ways, and each of us has a different area that we are passionate about or in which we excel. So help your child to find that activity that naturally arouses his curiosity and passion, and encourage him to do it freely.

To do this, give it time. When we over-organize and structure children’s day-to-day lives, we deprive them of time to simply experiment and explore. Free play is his way of knowing and discovering, be sure to offer him spaces for it. When there are no rules or impositions, when we act out of pleasure and intrinsic motivation, creativity soars.

Similarly, try not to correct their actions as a first option and instead inquire and take an interest in their innovative ideas. If the little one draws a purple banana or if, playing with the building blocks, he places them in reverse, don’t tell him that’s wrong. Let him explore various options for getting things done and unleash his imagination.

Show interest

For a child, his parents are the maximum references regarding what is appropriate or undesirable. Therefore, the attitude you maintain towards them and their behavior will guide them to modify or maintain it. If you are interested in what he does, if you ask him and listen to his explanations, he will understand that he is a valuable person and his work is interesting. By praising their innovative and unexpected ideas, they will learn to form a positive self-image and take pride in their accomplishments.

Likewise, stay by his side and serve him as support in the face of mistakes. Failure is one of the best times to be creative. Instead of mentally judging and criticizing ourselves, we can review our steps and think about how we can find a different result than the one obtained. Encourage him to accept the error as part of the creative and learning process and to use it as an impetus to find new solutions and ways of acting.

It is also very relevant to show ourselves available and interested in the questions that children can ask us. We must not forget that in each one of them a seed of curiosity and creativity is hidden and we have the power to give it away and watch it grow. So, let us listen carefully to their doubts and let the little one participate in the search for the answer whenever possible : we encourage them to think and express their opinion about it and to go to reliable sources to find the information.

Encourage creativity in children based on self-esteem

Lastly, work on building strong and healthy self-esteem in him. Encourage him to trust his ideas (even if they are out of the ordinary) and to implement them with enthusiasm. Show him the value of diversity, that each person has a thought that they can share and contribute. And to put this into practice, try to ask for his opinion on everyday matters and take them into account, so you will be showing him that he is capable of having great ideas and that they are interesting and valuable. 

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