Do You Really Commit To Being Responsible For Your Actions?

Do you really commit to being responsible for your actions?

Generally, the term responsibility has been defined as something that carries an obligation. Therefore, it gives the impression that it is a charge when in reality we should not understand it that way. Being responsible is then the ability to respond to acts, the ability to make decisions for oneself.

It is the commitment that we must acquire by our actions. Seen this way, being responsible will not mean carrying a weight, but a liberation. Because being responsible for your actions allows you to be aware of what you do, not blame others in vain and learn in the event that you make a mistake. Although many would not consider this something positive, the truth is that it is. Well, these characteristics are essential for our personal growth.

Turn any problem into an opportunity

. With this perspective, we are allowed to move forward and transform any problem into an opportunity. Any circumstance in possibility. Personal responsibility is what makes us the main actors in our lives.


For example, we attribute our partner’s infidelity to blame for the depression we are going through. Our partner is responsible for his infidelity, true, but we are responsible for the negative evaluation of ourselves “I am unattractive”, “I am not worth anything”).

That is to say, where we can act is where we must use our energies, it will be useless to lament or blame others. To continue, we must realize that we are masters of today’s situations and those to come. Concepts such as performance, freedom and respect are linked to responsibility and commitment.

Likewise, how many times have we heard “look what you’re making me do” or “you’ve pissed me off”? They have taught us to always blame others and not be responsible for our own actions. We give other people a power that they don’t really have. Because nobody forces us to do anything, or makes us angry. We have the last word and if we accept, we are no longer being forced.

Freedom and being responsible go hand in hand

Performance and commitment have a directly proportional relationship: the higher the commitment, the higher the performance on the task. Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand, as one does not exist without the other. Freedom allows you to choose between several options and that choice allows the person to commit and be responsible for said choice.

Because it is a free choice and whatever is chosen there will be a series of consequences for which only we will be responsible. Therefore, it is inconceivable that we can blame others or hold other people responsible for something that is just not concerning us.

to blame

. Are you responsible for your actions? If not, learn to identify what is happening. Perhaps you need to free yourself from certain learned beliefs. Perhaps, you need to relearn to see life from other prisms. Be responsible for your actions, because each of your choices are free.

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