A Possible Dream (The Blind Side)

An impossible dream is the reflection that everything can happen when you least expect it, and that generous people willing to help those in need can have unimaginable consequences.
A Possible Dream (The Blind Side)

A possible dream is a story based on real events. It tells the life of Michael Oher, a young man who does not find his place in society. The son of a mother with drug addiction, he spends his adolescence from home to home, from which he systematically flees. His bad streak ends when Leigh Anne Tuohy welcomes him into her family. Thus, the stability that this change produces will allow him to begin a brilliant career as a professional football player.

A possible dream, everything can come true

John Lee Hancock directs and signs this film based on the novel “The Blind Side,” by Michael Lewis. The film presents us with a situation, unfortunately, very common. A child or adolescent without guardianship or direction who denies all the help that is offered. However, it is also common to find behind each of these stories people with infinite liberality and kindness.

Unfortunately, the actions of parents have an inevitable and immediate impact on their children. In this case, the protagonist’s mother has a drug addiction. Therefore, you have a difficult time caring for your child properly. The teenager, unsurprisingly, feels confused. This confusion is a direct consequence of the vital moment that he is going through, in addition to the lack of a figure to guide him in that diffuse age.

The feature film focuses the action on the relationship between Michael Oher and Leigh Tuohy. They are, without a doubt, the protagonists of this story and the weight of the message that Hancock wants to convey to the viewer falls on them. In the first place, the most important learning that can be extracted from “A Possible Dream” is, as the title in Spanish indicates, that any dream can become a reality.

Generosity is a virtue

The second message that we can extract from the film has to do with generosity. Tuohy, played superbly by Sandra Bullock, acts generously towards this young man. Young man who is found on the street with no place to turn.

A possible dream protagonist

It is from that moment, when the miracle begins to take shape. The most important thing, in this and other similar stories, is the moment in which a person with much to offer decides to take care of a young man who, despite his extraordinary talent, is lost.

It is not easy to welcome a person into a family. Everything changes. Hours, customs, habits … any activity prior to the entry of the new member must be reviewed and adapted. And that is love, fitting the new routine according to the needs of the adopted person is a show of immeasurable affection.

Being generous to others pays off

Oher has the unbeatable qualities to thrive in the world of professional football. And his new family encourages and supports him with all their might. What’s the score? May Tuohy win, several years later, the Superbowl. This example is applicable to any family and to any young person. It is essential to help children to know what their best qualities are and invite them to develop them.

With people like Tuohy, the world can only get better. We are talking about giving everything for a person to prosper.

The blind side a possible dream

Tuohy gets, at times, a helping of good times and some affection. The normal thing, in any relationship between children and parents, is that parents collect a series of bad and good moments, of slights and, sometimes, of moments in which they feel proud of their children. There is the greatness of those who care, of those who adopt, of those who raise … that they give a lot for nothing.

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