You Are Still A Child Inside, Find Out

Recognizing our inner child implies finding the purest and most valuable form of our essence. We make some reflections in this regard below.
You are still a child inside, find out

We call the inner child the image we have of ourselves, in terms of feelings, appreciation, recognition of abilities and capacities, and therefore, in the personal satisfaction of being who we are.

Our inner child was generated in childhood and lasts until today, sometimes causing suffering, pain or problems, usually due to conflicts or emotional blocks not resolved in childhood. But all is not lost, we can recover within ourselves, restoring the image we have of ourselves.

Childhood, stage of recognition

In the childhood stage is where our own self-concept was created, that is, the image we have of ourselves, and this happened based on what our parents projected on us and by the experiences and circumstances that we had to live.

Boy with objects thinking

When we are young, the adults of reference make us a mirror, it is in them that we see ourselves to recognize ourselves and know who we are. Sometimes, even when parents try to give us everything that they consider best for us, we do not receive it, since when we are children what we need, we do not know how to ask for it, nor do adults know what it is exactly.

And for this reason, we can grow up with deficiencies, pain, sadness and even childhood traumas, which are subconsciously saved and leave their mark, even without knowing it.

Lose childhood

When childhood was not a happy stage, emotionally one grows dissatisfied, and without living intensely the stage that we would have to live. The child becomes an adult, but without resolving childhood conflicts, obviously because they are subconscious, but he does feel the personal dissatisfaction that will drag from infancy to adulthood.

Often when we become adults, we do not remember stages of our childhood, we can have selective amnesia, and this is already a symptom of unresolved internal conflicts.

We will have lost our child, and we will feel dissatisfied with ourselves, when when we reach adulthood, we lose all the illusion of childhood, we do not have projects or desires, and we do not want to use the game as a means of distraction and leisure, then life becomes apathetic, serious, sad and unsatisfied.

The adult inner child

Upon reaching adulthood, if the previous stage has been satisfactory, and there is no other disorder, the child we were is still present, and appears in fun moments, bringing out the illusion of childhood, enjoying the little moments, and developing through adult play, a way to keep children’s play present.

Girl on bicycle laughing

We could say that despite the problems of adult life, life can continue to be fun, surprising, exciting and in short, happy. Not because we are adults we have to be relegated to fun and illusion.

Recover your inner child

Recover our inner child, means generating a more satisfactory picture of ourselves, valorĂ¡ndonos and loving each other , recognizing our skills and abilities, and projecting desires and dreams. Therefore, restoring personal satisfaction and feeling happiness.

To recover your inner child you can follow the following steps:

  • Visualize the child you were in your childhood, and imagine yourself taking care of him and loving him.
  • Remember the tastes and interests of your child and allow them now as an adult, at the same time that you enjoy that moment and it transports you to your childhood.
  • Play, keep the illusion with small details and do what you liked when you were a child, adapting it to adult life.
  • Laugh, smile, accept and forgive the people who in your childhood could have caused you pain.
  • Imagine what your child would have liked to hear, and express it for you, as an adult.
  • Listen to your interior and the deepest longings of your being, take them into account.
  • Look for yourself, take care of yourself, love yourself, value yourself.

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