Training Perseverance, The Key To Psychological Resistance

Training perseverance is the art that will allow us to face each challenge. Thanks to this psychological force we reach goals, face adversity and make resilience our personal brand to never give up …
Training perseverance, the key to psychological resistance

Training perseverance may not help us achieve dream happiness. However, it will achieve something perhaps much more powerful: that we feel proud of ourselves. It will allow us, for example, to be those people who dare to face challenges, who work their own luck, who do not understand surrender and get up again and again after each fall …

Lao-Tzu said that perseverance is the basis of all actions. However, let’s face it, no one teaches us how this ability is threaded, or how such a tendon of personality capable of helping us achieve such lofty goals is developed. Often we acquire it from our closest environment; of those fathers and mothers who inspire us, of figures who admire us with their attitude, behavior and personal approach.

It would be, without a doubt, wonderful if we all came into the world with this competence inscribed in our genetic code. And if we say this it is not by whim or by chance. Very recent studies tell us how perseverance acts as an exceptional psychological resistance exercise that serves us for more than just reaching goals. This dimension is associated with less depression and a highly effective strategy for managing anxiety.

This is a whole health tool that is worth maximizing …

Boy with glasses to represent how to train perseverance

Training perseverance: a pillar of resilience in everyday life

Just a few days ago, the Journal of Abnormal Psychiatry published a study of great interest to the field of psychology and personal growth. It is a work carried out by the University of Pennsylvania that has lasted almost two decades and that has allowed us to understand various aspects.

  • The first, that the most persevering people, those who set goals and strive to achieve them, have a much lower risk of suffering from panic attacks, anxiety and depression.
  • Training perseverance, according to this study, helped about 3,300 men and women develop a more resilient mindset.
  • It has also been found that a more resilient attitude acts as that psychological resistance capable of protecting us against various disorders such as anxiety and depression.
  • Persistent people get less bogged down in the mazes of worry. His thoughts are not obsessive, but instead make use of a cognitive approach based on problem solving, creativity and positive reflection.
  • They are also very tenacious profiles that apply a mentality of growth and not of stagnation. They keep in mind their goals, dreams and desires every day. All this acts as a motivating impulse, where fear has no place and the shadow of helplessness or the reflection of defeat does not enter.

How can we train perseverance?

Neuroscientists discovered years ago that dopamine is related to perseverance and that proactive behavior that allows us to achieve. Dr. Joe Z. Tsien, co-director of the Brain Institute at the University of Georgia, tells us that we can all promote the release of this neurotransmitter by creating new habits, having clear goals and maintaining motivation.

These would therefore be the psychological approaches that we should take daily to train perseverance:

Set a clear goal for yourself

Without a clear objective the movement is not generated. Without purposes there is no illusion, therefore, we must be clear: the mind feeds on dreams and if they do not materialize in defined and realistic goals, the motivation will not start.


When we place a goal on our personal horizon there is no turning back. We must combine efforts and ideas towards that specific point and, for this, we must effectively manage dimensions such as discouragement, frustration, anxiety or stress. Self-control is therefore key to training perseverance.

Boy representing how to train perseverance


Positive approach

Positivity, a sense of efficacy, self-confidence, and a good mood are also basic nutrients for achievement. What’s more, perseverance goes hand in hand with that clearly positive approach that does not allow the entry of limiting or adverse emotions.

Not allowed giving up

Achieve a dream. Overcome a depression. Develop a competence or a new skill. Feeling proud of ourselves… All these dimensions require one aspect above all else: not giving up. We can, however, take a step back to clarify new goals and then gain more momentum.

We can also stop for a moment to reflect and take new perspectives. But what we should never do is sit still, stagnant, trapped in discouragement and surrender. Training perseverance is, therefore, an exercise in powerful motivation and also in health.

We can all improve this aspect to ensure that our resources and potential are in our favor, mediating well-being, prompting us to advance a little more every day.

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