The Indifference Of Passive-aggressive People

The indifference of passive-aggressive people

Passive-aggressive personalities often hide behind apparent depression. They are fragile and in need of help, but the truth is that behind that image there are deliberate behaviors that pretend to be accidental. Attitudes aimed at making you feel bad. The indifference of passive-aggressive people is one of the many throwing weapons that they skillfully wield.

They are people who live in deep resentment and passively punish anyone close to them. They are impossible to deal with on a communicative level. They do not know or have no intention of expressing themselves, but they are capable of accumulating a lot of anger and a lot of anger contained in those silences.

What are passive-aggressive personalities?

Passive-aggressive people respond to a personality type that focuses exclusively on the negative in their lives and the lives of others. They are unable to get involved in personal relationships. They are very sensitive to criticism and display quite a bad mood. Their complaints are endless and no solution to their problems, real or imagined, seems good to them.

Man with negative thoughts

They rarely have close friends. They maintain a relationship almost exclusively with close relatives. In general, they are very cautious in their dealings with others and lack social skills. It is always others to blame for your frustrations. They know how to touch all the buttons of those around them to inject their poison.

Most think  that others are not paying them the attention they deserve. They need to have the attention of others on them. They think that they are not valued enough and that in most cases they are treated unfairly.

They forget their obligations and avoid commitments. When they cannot do it, they dramatize a greater effort than the task itself actually entails. On the other hand, the favors they do are always a great sacrifice.

Indifference in passive-aggressive people

Passive-aggressive people find it very difficult to have a debate with someone. They do not have any capacity for assertiveness  and fear that they will win the rejection of others with their opinions. They feel comfortable when the conversation revolves around others: in this communicative context “they feel safe”.

Silence and contemptuous sarcasm are the two pillars of passive-aggressive people’s indifference. They avoid getting involved in group activities because they have great contempt for the talent of others. They prefer to judge others from a distance, without intervening to avoid being judged.

The indifference of passive-aggressive people is a form of revenge and manipulation that creates great discomfort in those who suffer it. It is a type of interaction that causes a lot of mental tension. They subject people around them to aggressive silence and covert abuse. His victims enter an endless wheel of conjecture in the absence of clear answers.

The only objective of the indifference of passive-aggressive people is to make you feel bad about the deficiencies that they carry.  Thus, they may blame you for something they did or to cover up unhealthy envy that corrodes them. They are people who wear out, literally, everyone.

Victims of the passive-aggressive

Its main victims are generous people who are attracted by the image that passive-aggressive people are specialists in  offering . A passive-aggressive person always claims to be in need of help and protection.

This type of personality does not like that nobody handles situations, but at the same time is capable of reproaching others for not taking control. People who “need to need them” often fall into their hands. People who feel good being needy. It is with them that they are fattened. Their silences and indifference can last for days. If you ask them why they act like this, they will tell you that it is the result of your imagination.

Unfortunately, passive-aggressive people have little chance of change. You have to think that these types of people usually come from family environments where passive-aggressive attitudes were the dominant ones.

These are the references they have. That is why it is so difficult to cause change in them. They have learned that passive manipulation is the only way they can achieve positions of power in their relationships.

Woman looking down sadly at a traumatic memory

How to deal with the indifference of passive-aggressive people?

The wisest advice, when it can be followed, is to stay away as much as possible from these types of people; however, there are circumstances in which we cannot choose this option. We have not chosen all the people who are in our lives nor can we get as far away as we would like from them. There are many cases of mothers, fathers and very close relatives in a situation of dependence with this personality.

The only way to interact with passive-aggressive people, without being in danger, is by not giving in to their control. You have to set limits and not get caught up in their indifference and bitter criticism. We must retreat inwards and recognize that behind that poisonous armor that they are wearing hides someone full of deficiencies. Someone who seeks, above all, to project his frustration onto others. And you have to do it before they make you fall into the same state they are in.

Staying calm is the best weapon against a passive-aggressive. What he wants is to control you and make you feel bad to momentarily alleviate his own discomfort. The best way to achieve this is by seeing them as scared children, with an oversized ego and wanting to get away with it, which is what they really are.

Finally, remember that there is some controversy regarding passive-aggressive personality disorder regarding its inclusion or not in the different diagnostic manuals. In this sense, we can consult the study carried out by Professors Scoltt Wetzler and Leslie C. Morey in the journal of drug addiction.

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