I Want To Be Happy, Not Seem Happy

I want to be happy, not seem happy

Being happy is paramount. So much so that we move in search of her as if we were little and we played hide and seek with her. But, is it necessary to look for it? What if we were already happy? Perhaps, then, our life would be meaningless.

Even though we can’t always smile, we somehow force ourselves to do so. Have you noticed that sadness is frowned upon? Without being aware, we mask the negative feelings and emotions that we feel.

Being happy is not what they have told you

Where can we find happiness? Since we are little they instill in us certain steps to follow in order to achieve it. One of them is to find a good job that allows us to survive and have some economic peace of mind.

But, this happiness is not only found in the workplace, but also in our relationships. Having a partner and children will be the great culmination for many. But what happens when the result is not what is expected? What if we continue to be unhappy?

Woman reflected in the sad mirror


When, despite taking all these steps, we cannot achieve the long-awaited happiness, sadness approaches us, causing us to feel terribly unhappy. It is then that we begin to think that, perhaps, we do not deserve a life full of smiles.

All the guidelines that show us the way to be happy only make this a very difficult expectation to achieve. Because as much as we want to cover, happiness is not what we have been told and for that we just have to open our eyes and look around us.

When you do, you will be aware that not those who have the most are happier and that humble people are the ones who always smile. This is because they value what little they have and because they know that happiness is not achieved with the previous beliefs, but that being happy is an attitude.

These people know that they don’t need anyone else to be able to smile. Likewise, they don’t feel like a failure because they have accepted that life is hard and that you don’t always get what you want. Despite all this, they look to the future with optimism and continue to fight for what they want.


For all this, on most occasions we show our best smile and pretend to be happy. It seems that this way we are more accepted, that we integrate easily. Positivity is what prevails because it makes us all feel better.

But,  this has the consequence that we hide our true emotions when we really feel bad. Without realizing it, we can find smiles that contain sadness, with laughter that hide terrible cries, with laughing eyes that try to hide a terrible inner pain.

We can glimpse this situation in this video that we present to you below through a means of communication that does nothing more than show the best part of our reality. Sometimes the most unreal.

The decision not to be happy

What if I decide not to be happy? There are many people who may wish they were not happy, even if this seems strange to us. However, it is not so bad when, really, we do everything possible to get away from this much sought-after state of mind.

We want to be happy once we have achieved work and family success, finding well-being and balance in all areas. Goals and more goals that when we reach them do not make us feel euphoric, at least not for the rest of our lives.

Being happy is a state of mind that coexists with many others. That is why, like sadness or any other emotion, it lives within you. If you look inside yourself, you will realize that all the alternatives that you can control to be happy are born from that precise place.

Inner world woman


Value what you have around you and stop pretending that you are always well. Be who you are and never allow anyone or anything to force you to be what you really are not. Stay away from everything that you have been told that will make you happy and that you have verified that it is not like that. Happiness resides in ourselves. And you, are you already happy?

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