Make Him Have The Best Day Of School

Make him have the best day at school

The first day of school marks the beginning of a new stage for our children and this can give rise to very intense emotions, both for parents and for the little one. However, contrary to popular belief, the experience does not have to be difficult or unpleasant. in fact, there are tools and strategies that, if implemented, help prevent it from being so.

In this article we offer you some tools that can be useful for this purpose. One of the most important has to do with recognizing  that it is a change, that as adults we can visualize it differently, but that for the little one the doors of the world open and that we have to treat this moment with respect, taking care of their emotions and, of course , also of their own.

Talk to him about what will happen that day

The more details and information we give our children, the more security and confidence they will feel when facing changes. These details include paying a visit to the new school before entering, introducing her to her teacher, and buying the backpack and school supplies together.

Tell them the routine step by step, the activities they carry out and some situations that may arise, how many boys and girls there will be, that they must respect the rules of school, pay attention to other adults other than their mother or father and share their things with other children .

Boy with backpack talking to his mother about school

Be clear about what will happen in the afternoon, for example, “Grandma will come to pick you up” or “I’ll try not to, but if I’m a little late, wait for me in the yard until I arrive.” Try not to tell him lies, such as that you are going to run an errand and then come back or that you will see him through the window. You can leave an object of yours like a bracelet or a scarf that has your perfume on it or put a lipstick kiss on his little hand so that he has the feeling that you are with him throughout the day.

Help him incorporate some attitudes and behaviors before starting school

Some of the challenges for parents and children in the school stage are: waking up early or eating the food that is served in the dining room, among other customs. For sleep, you can establish a routine to go to bed and gradually incorporate the 8 or 10 hours of sleep that the child needs. If there will be no nap at school, take advantage of the holidays to eliminate it.

As for food, you can add food or encourage our children to try it at home to reduce incidents or conflicts in the dining room. We can also help them by gradually introducing defined routines and meal times, so that our little one can better adapt to the dynamics that will be imposed on him at school.

Connecting with other children can also help and prepare them for the situations they will have to face at school. We can take them to mothers’ groups, music or yoga classes as a family and, of course, the park is an excellent resource: it is a place where situations similar to those in the schoolyard can occur.

Not all children are the same

It is important to bear in mind that each of our children will experience the first day of school with their personality, with their strengths and weaknesses and that comparing one child with the other will not add anything to this experience. It is not advisable to try to encourage the child by saying “you will go to school like your brother”, it may be better to say “you will go to school and have new experiences” or something similar.

Parents also behave differently with each child, that is why comparisons are of little use or can even play against. Nor is it the same that your first child is the one who goes to school, than your little one.

Recognizing your own emotions will help you control them and release the energy they bring you in the smartest way. By this I do not mean that you do not tell your child that you are going to miss him, but think that if you maintain a positive and relaxed attitude, the little one is more likely to join this vision as well.

Respect the individualities and personality of your children, not all will adapt the same or live the experience in the same way. Trust your son and that even if it takes him a little longer to adjust, don’t give up on the first try and he won’t either.

Mother explaining to her son things about school

Adaptation is important

It is possible the first days the little one shows some signs that may disturb us because of his salience, such as a tantrum that we had long since extinguished. However, the normal thing is that these manifestations disappear after a few days, when they have already done with the routine and both the dynamics and the classmates and teachers become familiar.

In addition, it is in our power that these unwanted manifestations disappear faster. For example, while getting into the routine, it is advisable to get them up and down a little earlier, because it may be difficult for them to sleep. Also leave everything ready the day before, although it is good that this custom is maintained throughout the school period.

During the first days, if possible, take him or your partner personally, this will increase his security and reduce his feeling of abandonment. Try to arrive a little earlier to be able to talk with the teacher, with other children and with other parents: seeing how you socialize and get along will help them to integrate and feel more secure.

Farewells are usually a sensitive topic, it is recommended that they be brief. For example a couple of kisses and hugs, comforting words like “you are going to have a great time” and leave with a smile so that that is the image that you see and remember when you feel sad or miss you.

You may stay crying, especially the first few days. It is normal, it may be difficult for him to separate from you, adjust to the changes and the new environment. If you take it easy, a lot of patience and trust the professionals at the center where you leave your child, the cries will not last for many days.

On the contrary, if at the first pout you question everything, you lengthen the goodbyes and stay behind watching how he calms down and the little one appreciates him, you will reinforce his cries and his pleas not to leave. This is the best way for a behavior, which would naturally disappear, is perpetuated over time.

During the adaptation it is also important that whoever picks up the child is very punctual so that they can verify that the stay at school is the necessary one and that you did not abandon it to leave it there. This reunion should not be exaggerated, like a movie. Try to make him as normal as possible, as if he had spent the afternoon playing with Grandma.

Brothers saying goodbye to their father

Ask how the day went and highlight any positive things that happened. Even if you can, make it easier for him to meet a partner in the afternoon if they have hit it off and there is that possibility. All the ties that make the new situation more familiar will contribute to a faster adaptation.

As I said before, adaptation is a progressive and normal process, where your child will show some signs that should disappear in a short time: eating less, sleeping more or less than usual, being irritable or sensitive, etc. But if this goes on for a long time and you still don’t adapt, crying every time you leave, among other things, maybe it would be good to consult a professional.

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