7 Keys To Being More Sociable And Fun

Would you like to be more sociable? Free yourself from insecurities or embarrassment, and start meeting new people? In this article we offer you 7 keys to get started.
7 keys to being more sociable and fun

A sociable person is one who has the facility to establish social relationships, and who also likes to interact with others. But how can you be more sociable? Is it something that can be practiced?

If even if you like people and social relationships, it is difficult for you to be sociable (either because of shame, insecurities, fears …), do not miss our article. In it we want to propose 7 keys so that you know how to function better in social environments.

The idea is to start little by little, with actions that do not generate too much anxiety, to gradually let go.

7 keys to being more sociable

If we want to, we can improve on our social level. We are going to talk about 7 strategies that can help you achieve it.

Man talking to his friend

Start small

How to be more sociable? The first key that we offer you is the following: start small. It starts with small challenges.

For example, talking to the person behind the counter, who sells you the bread, who brings you a package home. After doing it several times, you will see that you no longer feel that initial nervousness. It is time to increase the difficulty, for example, asking a stranger on the street for an address.

Basically, it’s about exposing yourself to a point that stops a lot of people, that of breaking the ice: step forward and start a conversation. The intention is that this exhibition ends up generating a habituation.


As George Eliot used to say, “ wear a smile and you will have friends; bring a frown and you will have wrinkles ”. And is that the smile is a tool of non-verbal communication, a gateway to socialization, which allows others to access you, and you to others.

Let your face express surprise, amazement or outrage. It is a way of telling the other that we are paying attention to him, sharing with him one of the most valuable resources that we have: time. A smile allows you to shorten distances, reduce embarrassment and begin to connect with people.

Apply the mask technique

It is a strategy widely used by actors and singers. It involves creating an “alter ego”, a personality different from yours that can help you take actions that you consider, or others would consider, inappropriate for you. If you are a cold person, try to be a much closer person for a while.

Most likely, you are not comfortable with this registry; However, thinking that you are someone else, even temporarily, can help you gain security. What other people think of that person who is acting should not worry you so much, because it is not you.

Logically, for this technique to be effective, it is necessary that you end up freeing yourself from the mask, that there is an encounter between the two personalities, so that the simulated one enriches your own.

Try to socialize in places you like

Another key idea that can help you be more sociable is choosing the places where you would like to socialize. They should be places that generate calm, security, comfort … Places that you like, from a library to a cafeteria or a park. Taking care of the environment is important because it can help you relax.

Look for common interests

If you don’t know what to talk about, look for common interests with the other. Shared hobbies , hobbies , talking points, common passions … Don’t be afraid to ask.

Find out what can connect you with the other person and start there. You will see how with a topic that you master or that interests you, it is easier for you to socialize (and also, you can disconnect, without realizing it, from the shame).

Select who you are interested in socializing with

When it comes to being more sociable, it is not so much about talking to everyone without rhyme or reason or without criteria. Therefore, select the people with whom you are interested in interacting.

At the beginning, as we saw in the exposure technique, you can choose to speak with strangers, or with people with whom you do not have much confidence or interest (for example, the baker in the example); but this will help you practice.

Little by little, when the shame or fear diminishes, try to select the people who really interest you. Practice with trusted people or friends, introduce them to conversation topics, propose plans … And you will see how little by little you will loosen up.

Trust yourself

Trust your abilities, your social skills, your way of being. In you, in your experience, there are many reasons to continue.

Although the mask technique can help you practice and free yourself from fear, the truth is that authenticity is the glue that will end up consolidating those relationships with others. There is nothing like being yourself, knowing yourself and starting to show that we are good at it.

When it comes to increasing your self-confidence, this is what can help you: get to know yourself and show yourself, little by little, that you have great strengths that make you unique.

When you interact with others, you don’t have to be “the nicest”, “the funniest” or “the most open”. Free yourself from self-imposed pressures and the search for perfection. You just have to be you and enjoy your interactions, let yourself be carried away.

Friends talking

And for you, does it cost you to be more sociable? Would you like to be more or do you already feel good about the way you are? Before we start looking for ways to increase our sociability, it is important that we stop and really analyze what we want to change or improve about ourselves and why.

Not all of us have to be hypersocial, much less equal. In diversity is wealth!

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