Collective Anxiety, What Is It About?

Collective anxiety enhances and intensifies individual anxiety. It feeds off the group dynamics itself and is very difficult to stop, which is why it is so dangerous.
Collective anxiety, what is it about?

Have you ever felt desperate for what’s to come? When you raise the situation with others, are they on the same page? In some moments we usually experience collective anxiety, it is a phenomenon that feeds back individual anxiety.

Next, we will try to define it, identifying how it can condition our reactions. In addition, we will list and describe some strategies to deal with it. Finally, we will explore how it conditions our vision of the future and decision making. Join us!

Woman with worried anxiety

Collective anxiety, what is it about?

Anxiety encompasses feelings of worry, nervousness, and fear. It is a matter that can be unpleasant, although it is natural. In fact, it is a sign that something is wrong; therefore, in many cases it represents an evolutionary advantage against threats.

In addition, anxiety has to do according to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE) with ‘a state of agitation, restlessness or anxiety, of the mind’. Now, when it becomes persistent and causes us discomfort in areas in which we normally function, we need the help of a professional.

When we speak of collective anxiety, we refer to that felt by a group of people and that is caused by the same set of dynamics . This group shares emotions, thoughts and behaviors in a situation. Although, it does not have to be exactly the same in all people, the common part is important.

On the other hand, collective anxiety affects the quality of our decision making. In fact, it limits our concentration and inhibition of stimuli. Essential aspects when selecting the most advantageous option.

Collective anxiety in times of crisis

In moments of collective anxiety, there are various actions, emotions and thoughts that come together and that can be healthy or toxic.

Sometimes the mass news broadcast can be tuned in with the hope that there will be a rebuttal, to ease the concern; But what happens is that it spreads further, which leads us to feel more and more concerned and to spread news, encouraging others to do so as well. So what ends up happening is that collective anxiety is perpetuated.

How to deal with it?

A very important matter to deal with collective anxiety is to carry out an informative distancing exercise. Being always connected with so much information hurts us, mentally, socially and physically.

We can also carry out social distancing, we are not talking about social isolation, we mean, socially distancing ourselves from the connections we make through new technologies.

Woman reading fake news

The idea is not to stop interacting, but to set limits, above all, to those people who are toxic to us and with whom we cannot tell them that we do not want to talk about the topic that causes us anxiety for the moment.

Since collective anxiety is not only related to information, let’s look at other strategies to cope with it.

  • Live in the here and now. It’s about living in the present moment. Focusing too much on the future leads to anxiety.
  • One step at a time. It consists of going little by little. Every day, we can set goals and perform routines. This will help us to connect more with the present moment and not get stuck in thoughts and feelings about what is to come.
  • Focus on the positive. Sometimes we have selective attention to the negative. However, if we stop to think about the small details, we could find positive points.
  • Express ourselves. If we don’t, we can explode; Let’s receive our emotions with love and let’s not make any eternal protagonist.
  • Ask for help. There are specialized professionals who can help us with our anguish, for example, psychologists.

It is useful to pay attention to ourselves, doing self-care practices, for example, physical exercise, meditation, listening to music or whatever is convenient for each person. It is also important to understand that being wrong is right and that doing nothing is not wrong. It all depends on how it is interfering in our lives.

In short, collective anxiety is experienced by a group of people in a stressful situation, it affects our well-being and decision-making. It is a natural reaction that we have as human beings to adapt; however, if we maintain it for a long time, it can affect our well-being. Let’s try not to feed her. Let’s take care of ourselves.

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