Beat The Fear That Prevents You From Starting Something New

Beat the fear that prevents you from starting something new

Changes sometimes scare us. This happens because we go from a situation of balance and control to a totally new one in which there is waves. Everything unknown, the unpredictable, causes us a lot of fear. Will everything go well? What will happen? Will I be successful? That fear you are talking about pretends that we stay in our “comfort zone” and it arises when we are about to start something new.

Many people find themselves stuck in their life because they allow themselves to be frightened by this feeling of insecurity. What they do not know is that this will pass, it will not last forever. We are talking about a feeling of discomfort that is preparing you for a change, for a breakthrough and an opportunity for growth. Because,  although what is different causes us fear, it also triggers in us an illusion of curiosity and intrigue for the novelty.

Make your fear become your drive

Every time something frightens us, we take steps backwards or, at the very least, we stand still. Perhaps this is a learned reaction, however we can do the opposite. Do you think it’s crazy? It may be so. What we are sure of is that fear will be the best fuel you can have to propel you forward and take giant steps. It is an emotion and therefore it is energy, from here you decide what you use it for.

I encourage you to mentally travel back in time and show up at one of those times when you’ve had no choice but to do something with fear. It may be that moment when you were terrified of exposing a project in front of so many people. This time you had no other choice. What did you do with the fear then? You accepted it and gathered all that shame, doubts, worries and hesitations to carry out what made you so nervous. When you have so much fear and are given no choice but to face it, you start to use it to your advantage.

shoes representing starting something new

Having this attitude will also allow you to face difficulties in another way. Because it is exhausting for all of us to deal with problems, barriers, stones in our way that cause us to delay in our purposes and progress. However, you focus too much on all this, giving it an exaggerated importance.

Where has the value of what has been achieved so far been? At what point have you stopped visualizing your goal? Every problem blinds us, causing frustrations, doubts and in some cases, we retrace our steps. If you focus on the present and value all the good things achieved so far, you will be cultivating mindfulness. This will allow you to accept mistakes as opportunities, fears as push and doubts as facts to be carried out.

Before starting something new, check that it is feasible to carry it out, so you will not have to deal with the failed illusions at the beginning. Afterwards, keep your motivation always high. Sometimes he will want to abandon you, so you have to keep your gaze fixed on the goal. This is the only one that will make your illusion remain.

Remember that it is today that matters. Think that you will not have another chance, what you do today will mark everything that will happen later. That comfort zone, those fears, those doubts, all that shame won’t do you any good if you don’t face it. It will only be useful if you overcome it, because it exists so that today you can start something new.

Images courtesy of Yuschav Arly

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