Life Is A Daring Adventure, Or It’s Nothing

Life is a daring adventure, or is it nothing

Living is a continuous adventure full of difficulties, shocks, bewilderment, and above all, experiences to discover, live and enjoy. We can decide how to undertake our course through life, if in an intense way, leaving a trace of our love in our wake, or in a cautious way, limited by fear and insecurity. What do you decide?

It is evident that we all go through difficult situations, experiences with which we suffer, sad and bitter experiences. All of this is part of the show that is life. However, we have the option of being the main characters or the secondary characters of our own existence.

By taking control of every situation, we decide what attitude to take towards each experience, and based on that, we face our fears and everything that paralyzes us; and that prevents us from clearly observing everything that is hidden behind adversity and internal conflict.

Love and fear are incompatible

These two primary energies, fear and love, are incompatible, we cannot feel both at the same time. Which means that if we let it surface, and we feed one of these energies, the other one calms down and dissipates.

The fears that we invent are related to the past and the future, based on something that happened, or something that we are worried about happening. Instead, love focuses on the present, it is necessarily lived in the now. If we focus our energy on loving ourselves, we will achieve more to live in the now, in such a way that we will live less in our fears. An example of if we are in love we cannot be in fear, and vice versa:

They tell us that they offer us the opportunity to undertake a new project, which we have earned with our effort and dedication. You may think: –I don’t know if I’ll be up to the task, I’m afraid I’m not good enough, it involves a lot of responsibility and I run the risk that they want to do without me.- Obeying these fears we give them the possibility of growing and spreading. In such a way that even if we do a good job we will be tense, without enjoying and without offering all our creativity and spontaneity.

Now, imagine that you decide to obey love: -I have tried hard to get this opportunity, I have earned it and they have recognized it, I am good enough to carry out this work and enjoy it, which is what matters-. This time you will be obeying compassion, your worth, focusing on your love for yourself. This is the way to face your fear and to conquer it. Thus turning your fear into wisdom.

Love conquers fear

Thanks to love we abandon our fears

What would you be able to do if you put away your fears? Surely everything you set out to do, you would expand the possibility of living a multitude of experiences and acquiring really valuable learning. You would have the courage to live and surrender to love in all its essence.

In the intimate relationships that we maintain, the same thing happens, the moment the fear of losing the relationship arises; for it to end, for them to no longer love us, to feel abandoned, unprotected and neglected at any time. It is when you give way to fear, ceasing to feel the same for that person. You abandon love, because you have surrendered to your fears. You have lost yourself precisely in what you feared. You go that way from one relationship to another.

We become cowardly people in our relationships, displaying all kinds of avoidant and harmful behaviors. We are confused and cruel at the same time. Our love remains, although fear has left it helpless and buried. Only love can save us from following this endless journey.

By giving ourselves back to the love that is always able to resurface, we give ourselves the opportunity to abandon our fears. It is a lesson in our lives that is repeated over and over again. When the old fears appear, be able to tell yourself: I decide what to feed, I am in control.

Daring flying woman

Dare to meet life


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