Keys To Emotional Relief

Keys to emotional relief

Life is full of changes. Cycles where we go through our life experiences with greater or lesser intensity. A personal relationship, a job, some friendships, a stay in a house, in a city … In this continuous flow of our existence variations can arise where what we thought was eternal and even irreplaceable ends up changing or even being lost. This is where the search for emotional relief comes in.

Loving someone, be it our partner or even a friend, supposes establishing very close emotional ties from which it is very difficult to detach. We can also say the same about a job, where we raise a whole series of expectations, projects and where in turn we find the sustenance of our life.

How to overcome those losses? They are endings that close circles in which we were embedded in that flow, in that harmonized movement where we had our calm and our happiness. How to close that stage and go “detaching” emotionally?

Finishing a stage as emotional relief

Leaving our life with a person, ending a friendship, a relationship, and even being forced to leave, for whatever reason, the lifestyle we had been leading until then, implies a series of very marked changes. Life is filled with customs, habits and those little details that in turn create great universes.

Woman leaving her partner to have emotional relief

No universe is eternal. Everything in this world changes and fluctuates. But we are afraid, in fact we are even afraid of fear. The future seems to us like a narrow and dark tunnel through which we do not know how to find the direction or the way.

Our customs and habits with that person that we no longer have by our side have stopped happening or that work that forced us to get up every day, is no longer there to mark us their guidelines and obligations.

How to deal with it?  Emotions assail us in the form of fear, anxiety, and immeasurable sadness. And we even want to hide so that they do not see us, so that no one is a witness to ourselves, already removed from that circle that previously marked the music of our life.

Keys to emotional coping

First of all, we must be clear that “that suffering” that we now feel is necessary to live it. It is part of the change and the process. Our mind and our body will need that moment of introspection to reflect and assume what happened.

Second, we will try to live the present “here and now”. That implies assuming not only that suffering, but also the need to adapt to our reality as soon as possible. That rupture, that loss, that change, belongs to the past. So let’s let her go and embrace the emotional relief.

Woman with tear on her cheek

Third and last, we will learn to manage emotions such as fear, anguish, guilt, anger … They are an indefinable part of the human being and it is good to feel and express them. Repressed emotions are almost never, or never, going to help us overcome a stage. They will remain there as painful undergrounds that can even harm our health.

It is okay to feel anger, anger, sadness, it is okay to suffer them and mourn them for a short time, and then learn to manage and rationalize them. The day to day will bring us new illusions, that is, an emotional relief. Little by little, we will close the circle of that past stage to surely start a new one.

Life is worth living assuming its changes. Change is learning and life is a constant test in which we measure ourselves to find happiness every day.

Photos courtesy of Hussam Eissa.

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