The Leaves Fall But The Tree Is Still Standing

Life experiences inevitably wear us down, we are human beings! However, standing firm like the roots of a tree is vital to success. We reflect on this below.
The leaves fall but the tree still stands

We all have bad times in life. That is an unchanging reality. No matter how hard we fight, try to be happy, and do everything we can to make dreams come true, there are negative moments. The leaves are falling, but the tree is still standing, and we must never give up.

The tree is still standing because it has strong roots. You know that it is impossible not to lose some leaves in the long course of your life. Autumns arrive, cold and harsh winters, but he remains unchanged, even if the moment is bad, because deep down he knows that tomorrow it will be hot, but summer will return, and he will regain his vitality and strength.

The tree is still standing because it has strong roots

The tree stands forever because it knows that its roots are strong. He is attached to the earth with such power that no matter how bad weather he must suffer, nothing will move him from his place.

Tree shedding its leaves

There are very bad days, when the cold makes our bones suffer a lot. However, the tree still stands. Although he loses all his leaves to the wind, the frost or the weather, he remains unchanged, suffering, but undaunted, in his place, where no one will move him.

Perhaps a day will come when the tree will not have a single leaf left. The environment is so negative that all his joy has fallen. However, he will continue standing, because he knows that happy days will return, and he has the necessary roots so that nothing and no one will knock him down until the light returns to his life.

The tree still stands, and you are that tree

Now imagine that you are that tree. And you have to continue standing. No matter how cold it is around you, no matter how much they hurt or damage you, you have to adhere to your strong roots, be immovable, invincible, unable to lose your breath, always looking ahead, because the warm and happy climate will return.

Your trunk can sway, succumb to certain bad and sad moments. Your branches may be left without leaves, but you must never allow your tree, the trunk that is your life, your roots, to fall out of favor.

No matter how dry the branches of your life are, no matter how many leaves have fallen, no matter how damaged the bark of your existence is, you must always remain standing, serene, prescient and proud.

You must never allow that, no matter how many leaves that fall, the trunk of the tree of your life dries up, breaks or breaks. You must always stay on your feet, because you deserve nothing more than to endure and overcome the bad moments to better live the good ones.

Tree woman with butterflies

Look up at the fallen leaves, but the tree still stands

From your high tree vantage point, you can watch the falling leaves. You may be nostalgic for the days when they were part of your lush foliage. A vegetation that was once green and hopeful, but today it is gray and is fallen on the ground.

But it is not something that should make you sad. Those are memories of what was. Some happy and fun, others more bitter and less pleasant. And now you know they won’t come back.

However, the memories remain there, on the ground, around you. Perhaps gusts of wind will blow some away from you, and end up in oblivion, miles from the place where you decided to plant your strong roots, but the tree still stands.

The tree is still standing, and it knows that other leaves will replace the ones that fell. The happy times will return, the lush foliage and the green vegetation that will populate your branches. The tree is still standing thanks to its strong roots, and there is no gust of wind, snow or storm that will prevent its trunk from breaking or its tough bark from cracking.

The tree still stands, living its present with intensity, remembering its past, and looking with hope at its future, because it knows that no matter how many leaves have fallen, others will bloom again, and he will be there to enjoy them and feel them in all their immensity. .

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