Toxic Friends Steal Your Happiness

Perhaps you have ever experienced the proximity of a toxic person in your life. In this case, we show you how to identify a toxic “friend” and advise you what to do about it. The choice is yours
Toxic friends steal your happiness

Toxic friends are not good for the soul, spirit, and even our health. If we have friends who steal our energy, they may be toxic friends. Anyone who steals our happiness should not be in our lives because they will only harm you. Do you have toxic friends in your life?

To realize that others are stealing your happiness, it will be necessary that:

  • First, be aware of it
  • Next, that you respect yourself and that you ultimately think about what is best for you.
  • Finally, make a decision about it.

Your true friends will be the ones who support you, the ones who make you grow as a person, the ones who make you feel good and never bad. If you are not sure whether or not you are surrounded by toxic people, you should evaluate how you feel when you are around those people.

Toxic friends

Here is a list of the most common types of toxic friends.

The friend who uses you

There are those toxic friends who only write to you when they need you. Or that they just call you to ask you a favor. In fact, it is possible that when you talk to these people you feel used. If a friend only calls you or remembers you when they need a favor, they are not really your friend.

toxic friends

To be honest, in friendships we often need the help of other people. Even to do us favors. However, to some extent it doesn’t have to be frowned upon, as long as there is reciprocity. If your friend only asks you for favors and it does not improve the well-being of both of you, then this person has no place in your life.

The negativist friend

Honesty is a rare quality and this has nothing to do with negativity. When a friend always tells you that you will not be able to do it, that everything is wrong or only see the negative part, it is definitely a problem.

It is not bad to have a friend who speaks to you honestly, who is brave and tells you certain things with the greatest possible honesty (even if it hurts). However, someone who constantly does that with the intention of hurting you, will not be able to bring you anything positive.

toxic friends

The complaining friend

It is true that everyone can have a bad day and that, sometimes,  complaining is a good way to channel bad energies. But, the friends who really make us grow don’t spend their days in this position.

Complaining people, instead of being masters of their life and doing things to change what does not make them feel good, prefer to blame others for what happens to them. Therefore, they do not stop lamenting for what was not. These types of people will even be able to blame you for their own setbacks. They make you feel bad for free and rob you of happiness, don’t give it that power!

The one who criticizes everything

If someone is continually criticizing your life, your way of thinking, being, or any other aspect, it is not a good sign. There is a big difference between criticizing constructively and criticizing meanly.

toxic friends

People who are used to criticizing normally do not take long to generalize this attitude to the rest of the areas of their lives. However, there is a curious paradox: those who specialize in criticizing others do not usually specialize in criticizing themselves.

Thus, if you have a friend who criticizes you for each of the projects you undertake, you have someone who criticizes in you everything that he does not like about him. His disagreement with the world translates it onto you. In a way, you are the outlet for their frustrations since you are one of their closest people.

Think that by definition, a friend is someone who does us good, who helps us and who inspires us. But he is also someone we trust and who we are going to give the benefit of the doubt. Precisely for having him in such consideration. However, this, which would be ideal, is often not fulfilled. Usually we have a close person, disguised as a friend, who damages us continuously and deeply.

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