Change The Habit … Talk About Your Joys!

Change the habit ... Talk about your joys!


How about we start today to change some little customs? We are going to start the day with the simple purpose of talking only about good things, positive aspects of your life and this present that surrounds you right now.

Do you see it complicated? It is possible, since sometimes, and although it is hard for us to believe, talking about negative things is something quite common among all of us. Common and even functional. “Do you realize how bad everything is going?” “I no longer know what I’m going to do with this person, every time he makes my life more impossible”, “Of course, you’re right, the same thing happens to me and every time I get more anguished.”

There are times when it seems that the problems of some and the daily dramas of others, join forces to create a kind of vicious circle where, far from promoting change and improvement, they enchant even more realities. And this is not healthy at all.

Talking about joys is not being selfish or closing our eyes to difficulties, at all, it is an attitude, a more constructive vision that can help us more on a day-to-day basis. Let’s try to understand it a little better.


Talking about joys is not ignoring sadness


Talking about joys is not ignoring sadness. I assume my reality, I understand every aspect that has hurt me inside, and yet I choose to look at life with strength and optimism, because in this way, I can live in a more complete and integral way. Also contributing well-being to those around me.

“Looking on the bright side of things” is by no means the typical slogan of any self-help manual. It is that daily support in which we let ourselves fall as a lifeline to stay afloat. Let’s think about it for a moment: it is possible that many of us have gone through difficult times, and that the present that we have right now, is not exactly prosperous. However, if I focus my day to day on negativity, there will be no way forward, there will be no way out of it.

And we have to be careful, because negativity is like a disease that clings and suffocates, and not only that, sometimes it is even contagious. How many times have we had to flee from that relative or that friend who made us an endless list of their regrets? Maintaining a “hygienic” distance from these people is not being selfish, it is a simple act of survival.

Focusing our sights on the positive, and talking about joys, cauterizes us from the inside and in turn, we bring positivity to those around us. It is possible that sometimes it costs, that there are days when talking about joys is almost an impossible task, but we assure you that it is a really healthy exercise, both for your body and for your emotions. Sorrows hurt, sadness suffocates, but in negativism there is already a dose of rage that hurts. We have to be careful.


How to focus my reality on everyday joys


How can I fix my day to day on that positive and happy side when in reality, I don’t feel that way? It is not easy, that is clear to us, hence it is important that you try to apply these simple strategies first.

1. Delve into your worries, into your sorrows. Understand them and discover what “their form” is, what originates them and what you can do to face them. If it is not possible for you to solve them, if in your case you must assume, for example, a loss, a disappointment, a betrayal or a simple “goodbye”, assume it as soon as possible, for later…. Let go.

2. Eliminate negative talk. All of us sometimes fall into those almost obsessive thoughts that make us think negative and even fatalistic things. Avoid them, they are useless!

3. Build positive affirmations: today is going to be my day, today things will turn out well for me, today I will feel good …

4. Replace negative statements with positive ones: “I am a failure” – “I am someone who deserves the best”.

5. Focus on the present: do not focus your well-being on tomorrow, on “when I get this then …”. Don’t do it, enjoy your present, be happy here and now, enjoy your daily joys.


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