Diet To Relieve Symptoms Of Premenstrual Syndrome

If you suffer from premenstrual syndrome, you should know that the symptoms can be alleviated by modifying the diet. These foods can help you get there.
Diet to relieve PMS symptoms

Although premenstrual syndrome can appear at any age after the onset of menstruation, it is usually common between the ages of 30 and 40. It is characterized by a series of changes in female physiology that can affect well-being. The good news is that we are talking about a problem whose impact can be cushioned or alleviated by improving diet, as part of a set of healthy lifestyle habits.

Throughout life it is essential to ensure an optimal supply of nutrients. However, over the years, this becomes essential to avoid inefficiencies in the functioning of the organs and other alterations associated with age. With an adequate diet, the development of many complex pathologies that put health at risk can be prevented.

Increase your omega 3 intake if you suffer from premenstrual syndrome

When the premenstrual syndrome appears, a situation of inflammation is experienced at a systemic level that can condition the physiology of the organism.

Faced with this change, it is important to lower the levels of inflammation to avoid the development of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases. With this intention, it is advisable to increase the intake of omega 3 fatty acids in the diet, since these have been shown to help the body. This is evidenced by an investigation published in the journal International Immunology .

To ensure regular consumption of them, it is essential to include foods such as oily fish, extra virgin olive oil and avocado in the diet. Nuts can also help, although they should not be ingested in a controlled way, they are very energetic products.

Woman with avocado in hand

Ensures the supply of vitamin E

Another of the determining nutrients in menstrual syndrome is vitamin E. It reduces the production of prostaglandins, elements that can cause colic and breast tenderness. In addition, this nutrient has a high antioxidant capacity, it allows to neutralize the formation of free radicals and their accumulation in the tissues.

In order to increase the levels of vitamin E in the body, it is recommended to include products such as green leafy vegetables and extra virgin olive oil in the diet. In any case, it will be necessary to ensure a good composition at the level of the intestinal microbiota, since the bacteria that inhabit the tube are capable of synthesizing the nutrient.

To relieve menstrual syndrome it is essential to ingest tryptophan

If there is a nutrient related to the feeling of well-being, it is tryptophan. We are talking about an essential amino acid that is key to the synthesis of serotonin, a compound that is related to happiness. According to a study published in the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition , a deficiency of tryptophan could increase the risk of suffering nervous problems.

Fortunately, there are many foods that are commonly consumed that have the amino acid inside them. Among them we must highlight eggs, meats, fish, legumes and nuts. Its inclusion in the dietary guideline will reduce the risk of deficit, thus improving the state of health.

Meats, vegetables and fish

Propose a diet based on frescoes

When suffering from premenstrual syndrome it is not only important to increase the consumption of the aforementioned foods, but it is also important to ensure that the nutritional pattern is based above all on the presence of fresh products. For this, it is advisable to limit those processed with a high proportion of simple sugars, trans fats and additives.

All these compounds could increase levels of inflammation and generate insulin resistance, which is directly related to a progressive accumulation of fat in the body. Any state of overweight will harm health and will further aggravate the symptoms.

Improve diet to relieve PMS

After a certain age, women suffer a series of important changes in the body due to the alteration in hormonal production. However, the associated symptoms can be alleviated by improving diet and promoting good lifestyle habits, such as exercising regularly.

It will also be necessary to ensure optimal rest to ensure that the recovery from one day to the next is adequate. There is even the option of taking certain dietary supplements to correct deficiencies, although first it is advisable to consult a specialist and modify unhealthy nutritional behaviors.

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