Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Get out of your comfort zone

Our comfort zone gives us shelter and makes us feel safe. It encompasses everything we know, those environments that we feel part of and where we are totally comfortable.

But the very thing that protects us can also cause us harm. Accommodating means stagnating, not looking for new stimuli, new challenges. That is why it is important to be brave, forget about the fear of the unknown and get out of that comfort zone to seek new emotions, new learnings. But how do you get out of there?

Why get out of my comfort zone?

Woman happy to get out of her comfort zone

Surely you think that if you are so comfortable in your comfort zone, it doesn’t make much sense to get out of it. However, when we do this we allow ourselves to remove our barriers, meet new people and have new experiences.

We will also become aware of our challenges, fears and, in general, our dark side. You will know that you are treading this terrain when the ideas of change make you feel stress, you feel envy of those who are already at that point you want to reach, you are anxious about whether you will achieve it or not, you try to make excuses for not doing what is necessary and the self-criticism increases, especially in the face of small failures.

How to get out of the comfort zone?

It is logical to be afraid, but the first step is always the most difficult. When you see what is beyond your comfort zone, you will keep walking. These tips can help you on that path.

Recognize your limits

We are comfortable in our comfort zone because we have adapted in such a way that our limits are not touched. But when you begin to escape from your comfort zone, all your internal or external barriers will begin to reveal themselves.

The first thing you should do is recognize them, give them their importance and think about how to overcome them. Accept that you are not as perfect as you would like, but recognize that you can get where you want.

Look for company

Couple stepping out of their comfort zone

Leaving our comfort zone on your own can be complicated, but if there is someone who shares that interest, everything can flow more easily. It can be a friend looking for the same thing or a therapist who gives you their point of view and helps you identify the changes you require.

Learn to accept

In our comfort zone we get used to things being a certain way. When we decide to go out we will find aspects that we cannot handle or control. In this case, it is important that we learn to accept the situations that come our way. If you want to make new friends, you must accept their characteristics, peculiarities and differences.

Imagine what you want and work on it

Every little action you take will help you broaden your perspective. If your comfort zone involves being antisocial and you want to get out of there, a little conversation with someone different every day can make a difference. Don’t be so demanding, a “good morning” to the neighbor today and a friendly smile to the taxi driver tomorrow can change everything.

Stepping out of your comfort zone will help you have a life richer in emotions, knowledge, and perspectives. You can also grow and evolve to a better version of yourself. You will become a better person, you will gain confidence and you will meet many interesting people. Don’t you think it’s time to take a chance?

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