Love Me When I Least Deserve It, That’s When I Need It Most

Love me when I least deserve it, that's when I need it most

Love me. It is in our nature to ask others to love us. We need to feel accepted and understood at all times. That is why it is so necessary that, in bad times, you be there even if you don’t always understand it.

If a person does not deserve to be loved because his behavior is erratic and confusing, perhaps the reality is that he is asking for a vital help that he needs because he is unable to breathe. That is, in bad times, is when you need our help the most, and there is nothing like wanting with all your soul so that you can raise your head and see the wonderful green meadow that life is.

As Mother Teresa of Calcutta says, the exercise of loving does not always bring understanding and joy. Sometimes, it involves pain and sadness, but rest assured that, in time, the person for whom you are giving so much, will be aware of how much you give for her and will reward you as you deserve when you least expect it.

Love me at my worst

Love me. It may be unfair to ask, but whenever a person goes through a bad time, rest assured that they need you more than ever. The most turbulent moments are usually those that bring out the worst in us. Bad answers, unpleasant gestures, hostile faces, ungratefulness… However, all of these can be signs that we need help. When emotions burn within us and we express it through the fire of anger, only love can put out the fire of our afflictive emotions. Love me when I least deserve it because it will be when I need it most.

Boy tucking in his girl

Depression, sadness, and pain can make a human being erratic and aimless. Their loss of vision prevents them from seeing the whole. His life becomes so dark that even asking for help is a worthwhile exercise.

When a person is plunged into the deepest darkness, the more erratic their behavior is, the more lost they feel and that is when they need you the most. It is something that we must never forget, since only then will we be of help to the loved one who has made a mistake. Rather than ostracize the person for their behavior, it will be better to reconsider whether their actions are the product of misery expressed.

Love me without asking for anything in return

Love me. How unfair it may seem to ask someone to love you unconditionally, yet it is an act that needs no response. You must give everything you have without having to expect compensation, as it is something that is offered in a sincere, natural and spontaneous way.

Therefore,  the people who deserve it least are those who need the most love. How can you expect to be reciprocated by someone you have never loved? It is impossible, because it is a feeling that never lived. However, you can show him the way.

How can you expect to be reciprocated by someone who doesn’t love himself? It is complicated that a person who does not value himself can love you. But you should try to teach him to feel useful, showing him your most sincere feelings and your most intimate affection. Leading by example is a very powerful way to show others how to act. If we intend to show love, let us act with love. Little by little, our actions will seep into the other person.

It will be a great exercise for you to begin to value yourself. Don’t expect anything in return. Just love them even if they don’t deserve it, because you may not believe it, but in reality, they are worthy of your love. They just don’t know how to do it, and they get lost along the way.

Love, compassion and Buddhism

From Buddhism, love is one of the fundamental aspects to achieve happiness. The Buddhist definition of love is the aspiration and desire that all beings be happy and have the causes of happiness. When referring to all beings, family, friends, neutral people and even our “enemies” are included. Buddhism does not distinguish. We all need and deserve love.

Compassion would be another aspect of love. In this case it is defined as the aspiration and desire that all beings be free from suffering and its causes. Again, it includes all beings. The purest and most genuine love does not expect anything in return. Giving love implies understanding that we are all part of a whole. If we are happy to see others enjoying pure and genuine joy, we will have understood a fundamental aspect of being human: we all deserve to be happy.

The purity of love

Love is the purest feeling that human beings have. It comes directly from the heart and soul, without rancor, without pain, without conditions and without rest. It cannot be played with to receive perks. You simply have to let it flow to others, even those you do not consider worthy.

Couple sleeping together

Sometimes a smile, a good gesture, an act of faith or a little love can cause enormous cataclysms in sad people, lost people or toxic beings.

Love is the greatest gesture of generosity there is. That is why those people who yell at you Love me , even if you think they don’t deserve it, actually need it, because it is something that can bring them back to life. That loved one who feels lost in life, the only thing he needs is the help of the people who care about him. Therefore, even though they do not deserve it, they should be loved.

It is precisely in their moments of greatest darkness and torment that they need your company, sincerity, understanding and affection. Do not forget. Give them how much you have whenever they tell you love me.

Images courtesy of Puuung

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