How Do You Deal With Toxic Co-workers?

How do you deal with toxic co-workers?

When we talk about toxic people we know that we can get away from them, with difficulty, but we can. On the other hand, in certain circumstances we have to deal with these types of people, deal with them every day, without being able to avoid them. This is what happens in work environments, for example, with toxic co-workers.

In addition to seeing that person every day, we have to work with him, achieve a specific goal between us (or between a group) and make it successful. This may seem discouraging, but we can deal with it.

Toxic coworkers

We can differentiate seven types of toxic colleagues that we can find in our work, or in any work environment that we know:

1. The protagonist

He is a person who always seeks to be the center of attention. He takes over conversations by imposing his points of view. He is always very competitive and does whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

Man running away from toxic coworkers

2. The informal

Never respect delivery times. You are always late with work, late for meetings and work, and so on. The irresponsibility of this type of person affects others in a work group.

3. The gossip

The workplace is ideal for this type of person. We can see him, especially at coffee time, commenting and reporting on others. Sometimes he acts as a “spy” and informs his superior about irrelevant details, but which harm others.

4. The reluctant

One of the worst toxic co-workers is one who performs their work inefficiently. They don’t care about their job or their coworkers. They use the “law of least effort”, something that has a negative impact on the work group.

5. The pissed off

Angry woman

The pissed off always seems very busy. That is why he will never greet you or give you a smile. He does not like to work in a group, he prefers individual work.

6. The opposite

He is a person who never agrees with the opinions or decisions of others. It always has the opposite. It is very difficult to work with him since it is difficult to reach an agreement.

7. The competitive

Your competitiveness has no limits. He never misses a good opportunity. They are always on the lookout to claim the merits of others in the eyes of their superiors.

How to protect ourselves from a toxic companion?

Woman stopping with hand

As we have seen, it is difficult to avoid a toxic partner because we have to work with him every day. So, how can we work with them but without them affecting us?

To begin with, we must not play their game. Our best option is not to get carried away by someone who is continually pissed off or wants to always be the protagonist.

We must accept them. Become aware that we cannot do anything to make them change and that we have no option to avoid them. Therefore, accept that they are like that but without being influenced.

If it really affects you and you can’t help it, think about it. Think about why it is affecting you so much, if you should allow that and what you should change. Modify your point of view, try to see it with humor and as a teaching of what you do not have to do. That will help you.

If you are dealing with toxic partners, never seek their approval. If you do this you are giving them power and you are undervaluing yourself. They will never praise your work. So take pride, do your job the best you can, and most importantly, respect your co-workers even if they are toxic co-workers.

What’s so great about having a toxic partner?


Not all toxic co-workers have to negatively affect us. Although it is hard to believe, many can increase our productivity.

For example, having a gossiping partner can be beneficial. Gossip allows you to disconnect and strengthen a group. In addition to increasing productivity, they help to relax the office environment, increase camaraderie and promote greater group performance.

The person who continually opposes can also strengthen the group. Why? Because it allows us to see “the other side of the coin”, weigh the opposite opinion and be aware that we are or are not on the right track in our work.

Having everyone agree is good, but it can also mean that something is wrong. The problem arises when opposing is done continuously with the aim of annoying.

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