Thank You …, But Bye

Thank you ... but goodbye

Thank you and goodbye are two of the most difficult words to pronounce. Gratitude is an action that collects four types of behavior around you. There is that of those who want to thank but do not know (or are ashamed) or those who thank force only because of social norm.

But on the other hand, we find people who do not know how to give thanks, who do not want to or, directly, there are those who are not aware that they should do so.

On the other side we have goodbye. The one that really hurts and is hard to say. By which we are aware and verbalize that something has ended so as not to return. Some goodbyes bring tears to our eyes and pierce our stomachs. That moment in which even many are kidnapped by silence and are unable to pronounce five letters.

We can imagine how difficult it is to prepare a message where we use both together. The truth is that no matter how complicated it is, certain situations recommend it.

Thanks but…

Woman looking out to sea thanking

There are elements that hurt us and we know it. We keep them in our lives despite knowing that they do not suit us. Addictions to people, feelings, objects or behaviors are common in our day to day. Acquaintances, friends or ourselves we fall into networks of those harmful elements that trap us.

The more time we dedicate to that persecution, the more dependency we become and the more change blind we adopt. And it is hard to think that we can thank something that hurts us. It is an ambivalent thought.

Thanks come for the satisfaction that this situation or person produces immediately. They are guided by anxiety or the compulsive search for the same. But that same takes away our freedom of choice and robs us of personality.

How many people seem other in the presence of the element they are looking for? For a long time you are not aware of the problem. We can hit the same wall over and over again, and we can be repeatedly warned from the outside.

The hitch to find love, the need to be constantly approved by a boss who despises us or feel the need to belong to a group does not benefit us in personal development when the satisfaction of that need makes us dependent on a single source.

Goodbye not to return

Woman walking towards the horizon

There are farewells that are very harsh and the harshness of them rarely has to do with what suits us more or less what we say goodbye to. Whether it’s an obsession, a person, or an object, saying goodbye and not looking back demands motivation and courage.

However, to say goodbye can be learned. For this, it is necessary to know how to tolerate negative emotions and accept feelings of sadness, as present and at the same time passing.

On the other hand, we are not always aware of what comes next. The adaptation period may be longer and more complicated than we thought. The doubt or the path to relapse are present and what you have to prepare for.

To avoid this, it is advisable not to leave half-farewells. Saying what you really think and expressing your emotions in an assertive way is the first step to moving forward in the new circumstances.

Parting words

When we have to get away from something that, apart from bad, also does us some good, the ideal is to draw up a farewell plan.

Woman writing a carata thanking and saying goodbye

We can do it through writing, so that the disorderly stream of emotions and thoughts can find a useful meaning to the decision we have made. Through the written word we can establish an order of ideas that serves as a reference when we feel confused.

Writing a letter is one of the options. A title: Thank you but goodbye . Paper and pencil. From there, starting the farewell with the thank you is important. Everything that makes you stay hooked on a person, thing, relationship or activity has its reason. Nobody wants to be in a place of suffering.

There are a thousand reasons, such as change, momentary gratification or the feeling of being comfortable in a situation where I know the routine. But then we have to talk about goodbye.

It is important to express the negative consequences of staying in that state. Talk about how hard the adaptation process is, but also about the moment of hope for change that arises and, most importantly, having the opportunity to choose to move forward without that company, to which we say goodbye today.

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