You Have To Be Brave When It Comes To Love

You have to be brave about love

“The world disintegrates and

we fell in love “

(White House)

We are immersed in a time of change,  human beings seem to be disconnected from each other. We walk crestfallen, immersed in our electronic devices, with jobs that do not satisfy us and running in a hurry. But there is something timeless and majestic that can change a person’s existence: love.

And although love seems forgotten and postponed to other “more important” issues on many occasions … You have to  dream about it, savor it, feel it … immerse yourself in it!

It is true that there are many types of love, but love as a couple is always a longing in people, no matter how much they try to deny or forget.

That is why a special mention must be made of those couples who decide to face everything and fall in love, although behind them, they have voices that say: “No! You don’t know the risk you are running!”

But… what risk?

Isn’t it a risk to live in oneself and most of us insist on it? Why give up something that gives fire to our hearts and peace to our spirit?


“When you used to say that after a few years a couple begins to hate each other because they already anticipate their reactions or get fed up with their customs, I think it would be the opposite for me. I think I will truly fall in love when I know everything about my partner: how he is going to do his hair, what shirt he will wear that day, what story he will tell in a specific situation. Then I will know that I am truly in love “

(Before dawn)

The duration of love is not written. Not its components. Not his circumstances. Intimate love plays a role in the species and in our hearts.

In intimate love we show everything, we express our daily misfortunes that are heard with a caress and encouraged by a kiss. In intimate love there is the encounter between two people but also two souls. 

It is the desire through the looks, the passion released with a kiss. Intimate love is the confluence of two worlds.

Romanticism is like that , it is that aura of inexhaustible mystery that you wish never ends. Not with any other person, but with the only one who makes you feel like a better person and the only one you hope to continue looking at with that fascination of desire, respect and affection.


“I love you when you are cold at 21º, I love you when it takes an hour to order a sandwich, I adore the wrinkle that forms here when you look at me as if I were crazy, I love you when after spending the day with you my clothes smell like your perfume and I want you to be the last person I talk to before going to sleep at night “

(When Harry found Sallly)

Some lovers will face distance, tests of a destiny that seems to be cruel to them.

Others to gossip, opinions and malicious gossip. But ultimately the most important confrontation is with oneself. For only when we know each other and when we love each other, will our love be sincere.

And although everything around you seems to disintegrate, isolate you and make things more difficult for you, you must understand that great love stories do not share the same characteristics, but they all have a common denominator:

True lovers remain united because their hearts know, and have; reasons unknown to reason and society.

So brave loves, passionate loves, do not be afraid; you are the inspirers of great stories and great challenges.

It is good to remember that  not everything will be perfect, but it will be authentic …

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