Five Ways To Find The Connection With Yourself

On more occasions than we would like to, we are absorbed by our daily activities, work, responsibilities, and we lose the connection with our inner being. In this way, our physical and mental balance is broken, by living dissociated from our interiority, from our interior universe.
Five ways to find the connection with yourself

Do you feel that you are sad for no apparent reason? If feelings of sadness invade you and you cannot find any cause to feel this way, you probably need to connect with your essence. Discover, from within, what you lack to achieve harmony. The lack of connection with yourself can lead you to feel a sense of significant emotional emptiness.

Connecting with ourselves is a key aspect to enjoy a life in peace, calm, serenity and harmony. Despite the stresses of daily life, it is important to reserve a little time for ourselves. A space in which we will simply dedicate ourselves to being with ourselves.

Why do people feel bad for no apparent reason?

Many people wonder this at some point in their existence. They feel down, unmotivated, sad despite having a good job, a beautiful family, and apparently no serious problems.

Sometimes we are so aware of work, home and other matters that we forget to pay attention to our most intimate needs. In other words, we have disconnected from our own being, from our own needs.

Many people eat properly, exercise, and take good care of their health, but are still plagued by these inexplicable feelings of unhappiness. In addition, it is necessary, from time to time, to listen to our body, pay attention to our own sensations,  to achieve a state of inner peace.

Five tips to reconnect with yourself

1. Stop for a few minutes and enjoy some time alone

Take at least five minutes a day to delve into your own inner universe. Find a quiet place inside your home, in the garden or in the park to listen to the sounds of nature and ask yourself: “What stimulates me in this existence? What is it that really nourishes my essence? “

It is a moment of external disconnection and internal connection. We will observe everything that happens in our mind from a distance, and thus we will know those thoughts that dominate us. In this way, observing our thoughts without judging them, we will reach a state of calm that will help us to connect with our interior.

When the water in a stream is so cloudy with mud that it prevents us from seeing the bottom, the best we can do is wait for the churning earth to settle on the bottom. What’s the score? Clean and transparent water; a mind in calm and in harmony.

2. Pay attention to your body’s signals

Take a deep breath, try to ease the stresses of the day, and ask yourself how you feel physically. Perhaps your body is crying out for you to rest or eat a certain food. Thank your body for allowing you to fulfill so many daily obligations and think about what you would need to feel better.

3. Acknowledge your feelings, without judging them

Many times, when we connect with ourselves after a while without doing so, we may feel worse at first. This is because we have many pent-up emotions that need to be assimilated.

Try to recognize these emotions, manage them, and let them out. You may have to release tension, play sports, or even relax. How long has it been since you dedicated a day to yourself? It is worth investing time in yourself.

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4. Take a moment every day to appreciate who you are and everything you do.

The connection with your interior also happens to attend that internal voice that spends the day criticizing us. When this inner critical voice reproaches you for everything that you have not been able to do or achieve, stop for a minute and congratulate yourself on all that you have achieved and for doing your best. You are a human being and you are not perfect, so you must appreciate every step you take in the right direction.

5. Keep a journal to record this inner process.

This learning should be something positive for you, not a task that you must complete out of obligation. Analyze what is happening within your being, listen to that internal call that tells you what you need. Let the answers emerge spontaneously. You may find them in a book, in your dreams, through meditation or in signs of nature. Accept these responses, even if they scare you. Be patient and record this transformation process.

In short, do not let the maelstrom of meeting daily obligations prevent you from connecting with your own self, who you really are. Allow yourself to listen to your own essence and feed it with what it needs, to find the inner peace that you need so much.

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