Letter To Me From The Past

Dedicating a letter to the person you were in a delicate moment, that is, to a version of yourself during a bad time in your life can be comforting and have a healing effect.
Letter to me from the past

“My me from the past”, the person I was, I dedicate these lines to you. I give myself the opportunity to write to you, since I have wanted to do it for a long time and I have not found the moment.

In this sense, perhaps a large number of people would like to go back to the past and talk with that girl they were, with that adolescent that we stopped being, with that young adult who was going through a bad time. It is likely that whoever is reading these lines comes up with a specific moment in his life, a version of himself to whom he would dedicate a few words.

The versions of oneself are formed in the different stages that we go through throughout our evolutionary growth. They are stages from which you cannot go back, we cannot go back to being that girl we were or that adolescent girl, that is, we cannot modify the past, going back in time is not a possibility. However, the past is a way of learning, of acquiring certain wisdom that will help us in the present.

It should be noted that all versions of oneself are part of us, of our identity, of who we are today.

“My past self” is part of my “present self” and “my future self”. As the writer Carlos Fuentes stated, “the past is written in memory”, so the past is integrated into who we are in the present.

Woman in a window thinking about when everything does not matter to us

Dear me from the past

Dear me of the past, I know that this is not a good time for you, that you feel that everything is too big for you, that you would not be able to achieve any goal, any objective and that you cannot do everything. You look small, incapable, useless, but you are not. Believe it or not, it is true. What happens is that you have not discovered yourself yet, you have not managed to see yourself.

Indeed, at this precise moment you think that you cannot trust yourself, in everything that you are capable of achieving. But don’t worry, that moment will come, that moment when you begin to perceive the potential you have. Relax, your time will come, you just have to give time to time.

I want to tell you to keep in mind that potential does not consist in being the best or having enormous goals fulfilled, but in being the best version of yourself, in enjoying what you do; trusting in you, that you can, that you also have qualities, you can also achieve your own personal well-being.

Squeeze every moment

You can’t even imagine how your story is going to change and the great things that have to happen to you. I don’t want to anticipate anything, I want you to live each day and enjoy every feeling that every moment can give you, even everything that brings out the worst in you.

As Eckhart Tolle, writer, “we have to concentrate on the present, on what we are doing right now. That will prevent our thoughts from ruling our lives and that everything will flow smoothly ”. Therefore, live, experiment, make mistakes, because what you experience, even if you err, will provide you with valuable teaching.

Woman looking in the mirror

It’s just a bad time

To “me from the past” today I would say: calm down, take a breath, breathe. You are going through a bad time, I know, I am aware of the anguish you are feeling. Remember that it is a bad time, it is not a bad life and that you will come out of this, I assure you. You can and you will with everything that seems like a world to you at this moment.

In closing, I want to thank you. Thank you because through you I have learned to be the best version of myself, to love myself and to value what is really important. You have taught me everything I needed to know, you have paved the way for me.

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