This Short Will Give You A Lesson About Resentment And Jealousy

This short will teach you a lesson about resentment and jealousy

Thinking that each of us can become perfect is an illusion that will never come. We all long to do things well and be comfortable with what we do, but on this path we can lose ourselves in the idea of ​​being superior to others and enter the spiral of resentment and jealousy …

Comparing ourselves with others is useless. Well, each of us has lived and experienced different situations, feelings and thoughts. Therefore, the comparison is useless …

How far would you be able to go so as not to feel inferior to others? How do you deal with changes in your life? Do you cultivate flexibility or, on the contrary, rigidity dominates your days?

When a change comes to our lives, whether at work, social or personal level, we have to be flexible enough to know how to adapt, without forgetting ourselves. Otherwise, the consequences can be terrible, as happens to the protagonist of our short.

Red robot

When inferiority appears in our life

We may at some point in our lives feel “inferior” in relation to the people around us. Perhaps because a hurricane of changes has made its appearance or simply because we realize that another person has great dexterity with certain abilities, in which we considered ourselves “good”.

This is what happens to the little robot protagonist of our short, accustomed to his daily routine in which he feels comfortable and happy carrying out his mission. But that is suddenly broken by the appearance of a new partner with faster skills. As a result, our protagonist enters a spiral of jealousy and resentment … What has happened to him?

When we compare ourselves with others and consider ourselves “inferior” or “worse” we begin to mistrust our abilities and abilities, generating a total distrust of ourselves and affecting our level of self-esteem.

Faced with this situation, which is experienced as a threat, the consequences can be various …  We can reach a state of helplessness in which we do not believe we are capable of doing anything, which induces us to immobility and contempt for ourselves.

But we may also want to try to improve ourselves and continue to evolve so as not to decline. The problem comes when the energy instead of mobilizing it towards getting the best of ourselves, we focus it on destroying what the people around us do, boycotting their jobs, attitudes or relationships.

Moved by envy, resentment or jealousy, instead of looking for how we can improve, we focus on how we can destroy what the other has or does to feel superior. That is, our focus of attention is directed outwards, instead of within ourselves.

Thus, we hold others responsible for our unhappiness or feeling of inferiority, when in reality it is a perception that we have built on ourselves, as happens to the little robot.

Avoid breaking by being flexible

Trapped or not in unhappiness, along with resentment and jealousy, the only option we have left is to learn to be flexible to adapt. Accepting the new situation or that other people may have abilities or skills better than ours is the beginning of change.

Shattered robot

The alternative is to take responsibility for what one feels and be aware that we ourselves are the ones who consider ourselves “inferior”, “better” or “worse”. We create the filter and based on it we act, affecting our levels of self-esteem.

Feeling jealousy or resentment, thinking that they can unseat us and overcome us, is a creation that is born out of our insecurity. We are the ones who, at times, return to others as our enemies, beginning a struggle of suffering and discomfort to want to replace them.

This happens to the little robot protagonist of our short. Dominated by his insecurity, he turns a collaborative situation into one of competitiveness as a result of rigidity, driven by his resentment and jealousy, resulting in his own destruction …

Therefore, remember that you are only inferior if you consider yourself or give permission to others to do so, and that  competing to destroy is not a good option to be happy; However, collaborating and being flexible to improve turns out to be the best option to avoid breaking down …

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