Art Is A Way Of Being Immortal

Art is a way of being immortal

How many of our thoughts, desires and doubts go through our minds without pain or glory. When throughout the day you only use your time to do something productive, to earn your own livelihood and that of yours, art emerges as a valid way to manifest who you really are.

What would have happened if Mozart had been lazy in writing his scores, Muhammad Ali had been scared of the nervousness in his legs or Frida Kahlo had not wanted to share his chronic pain?

Serious face woman


Or even simpler still, what would have happened to your family if your great-grandmother had not taken care to conscientiously bind the photos of the family in an endearing format, with annotations in ink that sometimes ran in some points of that paper that began to spread by society.

Stories and lives embodied in art

The history and life of people is made up of small moments. Taking the step of translating them into letters, paintings or sculpting a small figure makes a difference from those who live life as spectators to those who live it actively.

Colored glass

Normally  the average man is amazed by the art that is made around him. They are unaware that many of the artists and creators they passionately admire were workers in society or sophisticated artists; with a strict education that in turn were inspired by the small dreams of humble workers.

The mind can be extraordinarily complex, but when viewing 1920s movies where pompous dialogue did not yet exist, one realizes that gestures of love, surprise, despair or joy are universal.

Who wins?

Who wins? Well, he who knows how to bring these feelings to the public with greater simplicity and class. Obviously, there are manifestations of art that make you rise to another dimension and others that plunge you into the reality that you already live in an even more cruel way.

Brush in hand

That is why good art must spread, as a social and ethical duty. Providing the mind with aesthetic models full of quality and human experience will make that average man dare to dream and express what he thinks.

Only culture is infinite and its lessons do not occupy a place in the mind or in the pockets. So when you are sad take a brush, dance or sing, and try to make yourself happy in a few moments of creativity. It is not about someone one day recognizing your art, but rather that you are able to capture a hidden part of yourself in art.


When your descendants remember you, those little treasures that are little pieces of you will make you immortal. Get out of shame and dare, you have nothing to lose and you will gain in happiness.

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