5 Errors That Imprison Us

5 mistakes that imprison us


Learning to move forward after making a mistake is not easy. Ghosts of the past may come to light or you may get stuck in that situation, believing that you cannot evolve.

This can become a real challenge when you want everything to go well for you. Next I will tell you about the 5 mistakes you should stop making.


Not admit that you have lost


Fighting for what you want and protecting what you love is normal for humans. But there is an almost imperceptible line between trying to bring out a relationship that has problems and not letting go of someone who no longer wants to be with you.

This does not only apply to relationships. Parents who don’t understand that their children have grown up, or bosses who want to keep a good employee, also have this problem.

Girl says goodbye to her partner

If you are fighting to keep someone by your side, think about whether that person is happy . Analyze the situation and you will see that sometimes, it is better to let it move forward in your life.

This mistake will make you grow because you will see that the only indispensable person in your life is you.


Holding resentment, jealousy, or anger


Another very common mistake of the human being is to keep negative emotions against the past or against the people of his past.

If you do this, remember that these emotions don’t do anything really positive. On the contrary, they take away energy and time that you could use to grow .

Instead of focusing on what’s wrong or what you’ve lost, take action. Do whatever it takes to move forward and get where you want to go.

Didn’t your boss give you that promotion you’ve been waiting for so long? Stop holding a grudge or finding fault with the partner who obtained it. Instead, work and prepare more to prove yourself. Perhaps along the way you will find a better proposal that you will not be able to see if you keep complaining.


Do not ask for forgiveness or forgive you


Do you have a mistake in the past that torments you? It is time to get the forgiveness you need so much.

If it is too late to apologize to that person or do something to repair the damage, then forgiveness must be granted yourself . You may need to face the consequences of your mistake. In case this is no longer possible, you can do something to make up for what you have done.

Write the letter you think you should have sent, talk to someone about your feelings, or write them down in a journal. It is not easy, but you cannot continue guilt for your entire life .


Not learning from the mistakes of the past


Past mistakes can be a guide to making better decisions today . If you hurt someone with words or actions, you may not be able to do much to make up for the damage. What you can do is analyze the behaviors and create a mental catalog of them.

This can help you avoid doing them again in the future. All life experiences give us the opportunity to grow and improve. They are the best lesson we can have in life.

Woman enjoying sunset


Let go of the opportunities that come your way


Fears , doubts and insecurities are the cause of you letting go of opportunities . This is one of the worst mistakes you can make.

Running a business that could make you millions, confessing your love to the person in your life, or greeting a stranger are just three examples.

It is true that the future is uncertain and the business may go wrong, the other person may not be in love with you, or the stranger may still be a stranger. But the alternatives are so good that it is worth taking the step and taking the risk, instead of thinking “what if …”.

When the opportunity is gone, you can waste your time thinking about what would have happened if you had taken it . The problem is that there is usually no second round. Therefore, it is better to take it when it arrives and it is real.


Giving yourself the opportunity to move forward, forgive and learn from the past is the best way to be a better human being. The mistakes I have described prevent you from having a happy and fulfilling life.

There are two questions that are not worth asking yourself: “What would have happened if …?” and “Why didn’t I do / say …?” Instead of doing them, learn to live in the present with greater awareness.

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