I Have A Feeling That One Day It Will All Fit Together

I have a feeling that one day it will all fall into place

I have the feeling that one day everything will fit together, that each effort will find its privileged corner and that all waiting will have its reward. Because trusting what intuition senses is listening to the voice of the soul, the wisdom of our unconscious connected to the world and our essence.

We have all had a hunch at some point in our life. It is not magic, it is not pre-cognition, nor a crystal ball revealing the future.

For Daniel Cappon, a famous psychiatrist at the University of York, in Canada, the presentiment is the crown of human intelligence, a discredited concept, but in reality it would be responsible for much of our survival as a species.

Every time we tell someone that we have a feeling that something is going to work out, the person in front of us instantly draws a skeptical smile. But before falling into criticism or ridicule, we should understand what purpose these sudden and inexplicable sensations have.

And what they seek is to make us make a quick decision based on data and experiences underlying our consciousness. A hunch is nothing more than our instinct turning on the rear-view mirror to alert us to something.

The anatomy of the presentiment

Girl feeling foreboding when looking at butterfly

Malcolm Gladwell, author of the book Intuitive Intelligence , tells us that hunches are the voice of intuition. If for many of us this word causes us some mistrust, it is because of the supernatural attribution that has been made of it so far. We should therefore “dissect” it and understand a little more its fascinating anatomy.

People generally trust their conscious, reasoned, and deeply considered decisions more than their intuitions. However, much of our reactions are due rather to what we call “instinct.”

We are purely emotional beings and, since we do not always have time to start a detailed analysis of everything that surrounds us when making a decision, we resort to the voice of conscience: the presentiment and intuition.


So much so that, according to an article published in the magazine “Psychology Today”, hunches would be our best daily compass, because they allow us to act according to our true identity.

Dr. Daniel Cappon, quoted at the beginning of the article, has published a very interesting book entitled where he teaches us to develop these dimensions a little better. According to him, hunches are part of our intelligence, and therefore, we must attend to them at all times.

  • Our unconscious is like a computer capable of quickly breaking through the darkness to give us information. We must be able to understand any sensation, data or inference that it sends us.
  • Not all hunches are valid, it is a detail to take into account. Its purpose is to make us reflect on something to later decide.
  • Intuition, like hunches, are very common in creative people. 
  • They have nothing to do with gender, men and women can be just as intuitive and have the same number of positive and negative hunches throughout the day.
  • The forebodings will appear more commonly in moments of calm, when we finally manage to disconnect from the external noise to tune in with the heart, with the emotions.


Intuition, as well as hunches are direct doors to our wise unconscious, often reviled by a society that values ​​only the quantifiable, the concrete and that left hemisphere that governs logic-mathematics.

However, listening from time to time to those forebodings that disturb our minds asking for permission to be heard, far from being criticized, can be crucial. Because intuition is the lucidity of experience, something that the heart knows and that the mind ignores.

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